Members of the Clarendon Lions Club were joined by several Clarendon College men’s basketball team members Saturday for a workday at the Lions Hall. Lions Jared Eggemeyer, Scarlet Estlack, Larry Capranica, Russell Estlack, Roger Estlack, Ashlee Estlack, Monty Hysinger, John Howard, and Chandra Eggemeyer were joined by Bulldogs Marcus Ellison, Dashun Dixon, D’Tavian Walker, Quadre Lollis, Tavon Alexander, Bryce Pace, Brandon Lucas, Doreon Hill, Falmata Tula, Nick Hammink, and Ryan Hammink along with coaches Brad Vanden Boogaard and Rian Stubbs. The club greatly appreciates the hard work and volunteer effort of the Bulldogs.Enterprise Photo / Ashlee Estlack
The 2014 Clarendon Junior High cheerleaders attended a camp this summer in Amarillo and are ready to back the Colts this football season. Squad members are Zoe Adams, Emily Johnson, Kyla Dunham, Braylee Shields, Darcie Hunsaker, and Kira Weatherton. The squad is sponsored by Jenifer Pigg. Courtesy Photo
Small FISH in a big pond. A portion of the freshman class stopped for a picture before the bell rang on the first day of school. Enterprise Photo / Kari Lindsey
DPS Sgt. Chris Ward and Donley County Deputy Jake Longan examine the car of Florida residents that was eastbound on US 287 west of Clarendon Tuesday morning when it went into the center median and hit a culvert. A witness told authorities the car flipped in mid-air before coming to rest on its tires. Further details were not available at press time. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Painting the street in Hedley means summer is officially over and your senior year is about to begin. The Class of 2015 painted the street in front of HHS on Sunday afternoon. Shown here are (back) Kati Adams, Emily Mackey, Baeleigh Allen, Wyatt Wheatly, Kortney Burton, Kevin Munoz, (front) Becca Butler, Leslie Leal, and CorKey Burton. Hedley’s official start to school is Monday, August 25. Enterprise Photo / Kari Lindsey
Incoming kindergartener Kinslee Hatley and her mom, Sarah, smile as they fill out paperwork at Clarendon ISD registration Monday night. Registration continued Tuesday and Wednesday. Classes at both Clarendon at Hedley schools will begin Monday, August 25. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
The winners of the Donley County Senior Citizens Softball fundraiser tournament held Saturday, August 2, 2014 were (Back) Patrick Shatswell, Lee Stegall, Brent Gains, Charles Harris, Dustin Shatswell, (Front) Brenna Buker, Bobby Wright, Brandon Richa=rds, Nathan Floyd, Caitlyn Christopher, Krista McClellland. Courtesy Photo
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