Clarendon ISD Athletic Director Gary Jack directs plays Tuesday morning as the Clarendon Broncos began working out for the 2014 football season. The Broncos will scrimmage Bovina here next Friday, August 15, and the regular season begins August 29. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Anita and Jimmy Simpson survey the damage to their antique store on Kearney Street Tuesday morning after witnesses said a Dodge pickup driven by Martin Vaquero went over the curb and ran into the building. Local law enforcement and insurance agents were on the scene as the Enterprise went to press this week. Enterprise Photo / Roger & Ben Estlack
Just days after its formal dedication, a new playground at Prospect Park was hit with graffiti last week. Two swastikas and other markings were drawn on the equipment. Pictures of the vandalism were taken Thursday, but the swastikas were soon removed by some good citizen. The dedication sign was noticed on the ground Monday morning, but again, a good citizen by Monday evening had tried to put the sign back up. The Clarendon Lions Club, which sponsored the park, thanks those citizens who are taking pride in the playground and helping take care of it; and the club asks anyone who has information about vandalism to the playground to please report it to the sheriff’s office.
The Clarendon Lions Club installed new officers for 2014-2015 during their regular Tuesday noon meeting. Shown here are Secretary Roger Estlack, Second Vice President Jacob Fangman, Lion Tamer Bobbie Thornberry, Fundraising Chair Chandra Eggemeyer, Boss Lion Larry Capranica, Tail Twister Jerry Woodard, Sweetheart Abby Johnson, Third Vice President Tex Buckhaults, and Assistant Fundraising Chair Scarlet Estlack. Not pictured is First Vice President Jared Eggemeyer. Enterprise Photo / Ashlee Estlack
Clarendon All-Star team coached by Danny and Dalton Askew competed in 4 district games in Dumas and 3 State games in Pampa. The All-Star team finished their season July 14. Team members are Danny Askew, Zack Caison, Eastin Goodpasture, Nicholas Shadle, Nathon Shadle, Justan Shadle, Andy Davis, Kade Hunsaker, Dalton Askew, Noeb Elam, Preston Elam, Damarjoe Cortez, Clayton White, and Cole Franks. Courtesy Photo
The Kids’ Parade winners for the 9 and up division were first place Alexia Ralston (right), second place Jayde Gribble, and third place McKaden Lax. Enterprise Photo / Morgan Wheatly
Taking first place in the Western Parade was the Donley County 4-H Club. Pictured aboard the float is Jenci Hernandez, Shebly O’Keefe, and Chardy Craft.
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