The American flag is backlit by the sun Monday against the wide expanse of the Panhandle sky. Flags will be flying high this week as Clarendon prepares to host its 137th annual July Fourth celebration. Courtesy Photo / Kelly Hill
Hedley 2014 graduates, Kristen Liner, Bailey Wood, and Kyle Lindsey recently participated in MASH camp, sponsored by Panhandle AHEC/WTAMU. Medical Avenues to Services in Health (M*A*S*H) programs are designed to educate High School students about the possibility of pursuing a career in the health service field after they complete their education. M*A*S*H programs are highly interactive, informative and fun. Courtesy Photo / AHEC/WTAMU
Clarendon’s Steve Sell fires off a shot during the benefit shooting for the Howardwick Baptist Church last weekend. Winners of the event were Small Caliber Division – Sell, first; Jesse James, second; and Wayne Cole, third; Large Caliber Division – Randy Stubblefield, first; Kelly Hill, second; and Sell, third; and Youngest Shooter, Ashley James of Wheeler. Courtesy Photo / Sis James
Clarendon Junior Varsity basketball girls attended an Oklahoma State University basketball camp June 6-8 at Stillwater, Okla. The camp included teams from Kansas, Texas, and Oklahoma. Those attending were Hannah Hommel, Karlee Adams, Briley Chadwick, Briana Butler, Berkeley Alexander, Zaria Smith, Shaelyn Owiti, and Jensen Hatley. Courtesy Photo / Laura Hommel
Tres Hommel and Chance McAnear participated and represented Clarendon in the Greenbelt Bowl in Childress June 10-14, playing on the North team. The final score was North 21- South 36. Courtesy Photo / Laura Hommel
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