Hudson Howard gets ready to swing during baseball camp at Kids College last Thursday on the Clarendon College campus. Classes for kids are continuing this summer. Call 874-3571 for more information. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Hudson Howard gets ready to swing during baseball camp at Kids College last Thursday on the Clarendon College campus. Classes for kids are continuing this summer. Call 874-3571 for more information. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Storm clouds gather over Hart-Moore Field during Friday’s Little League game. Donley County was blessed with much needed rain from these clouds with unofficial totals coming in at three inches or more in town. Severe weather threatened the area with the most serious being Saturday when part of the county near Hedley was placed under a tornado warning. Courtesy Photos / Leanne Holland
Donley County 4-H competed in the District 1 fishing contest and overnight camp held at Mesa Vista Ranch north of Pampa on June 2. For the third year in a row, they won the contest and brought home the traveling trophy. Jodee Pigg earned the Rookie Award. Those participating were Brenna and Brandalyn Ellis, Madison Smith, Hannah Hommel, Koyt Tucek, Jodee Pigg, Calder and Payton Havens, Clint and Cole Franks, Clay Koetting, Nick Shadle, Cade Hunsaker, Tyler and Tristen Harper along with “coaches” Guy Ellis , Aaron Harper and Bret Franks, and county agent Leonard Haynes.
Soon-to-be second grader Mason Allred leaps over a bounce toy during Play Day at Clarendon ISD last Friday, celebrating the end of the school year and the official kick off of summer vacation. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
VFW Post Commander Nathan Floyd (left) with George Hall delivers the keynote address at Monday’s Memorial Day Service at the Donley County Courthouse. Dozens of people stood in the gentle rain to remember those who have laid down their lives for the sake of freedom. An earlier service in Hedley, hosted by the American Legion, was also well attended. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Scout leaders and members of Troop 433 with Cub Scouts Steven Mills, Tyler Paul, Ethan Voglegsang, Mason Allred, and Kayden Early. Enterprise Photo / Ashlee Estlack
Vicky Tunnell, Roxie Adams, and Zan Bullock pack up items Wednesday to take to the Fritch wildfire victims. Many Donley County residents and businesses sprang into action when asked to donate water, food, and clothing to the Fritch wildfire victims. Enterprise Photo / Morgan Wheatly
A luncheon was held recognizing Clarendon College employees last Thursday, May 8, and several individuals were honored. Brad Vanden Boogaard was named the Kenneth D. Vaughan Employee of the Year, and James Gordon received the President’s Award. Retirees Gene Denney and Sharon Hannon were honored for their 27 and 14 years of service respectively. CC Photo / Ashlee Estlack
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