Students in Clarendon ISD’s Gifted & Talented program put on a showcase of their work last Thursday. Projects ranged from learning art techniques to 3D printing to fashion to feral hogs and everything in between. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Saturday, May 6, 2014, Hedley students met at the Clarendon Courthouse for the traditional group photo before heading to prom at the Donley County Activity Center. This year’s Prom Queen and Prom King were Bailey Wood and Denver Chambless. Enterprise photo / Kari Lindsey
Clarendon College recognized top students during an awards ceremony May 1. Students were selected by faculty members based on a variety of character traits and not strictly on academic performance. Students who were honored included (not in order) Adam Topper, David Bell, Connor McKowen, Jessica Humphrey, Isela Sandoval, Whitney Lane, Oliver Cabrales, Kacee McGraw, Sabra Barnett, April Dewey, Courtney Taylor, Lisamarie Williams, Kitzi Weller, Earline Gifford, Consuelo Perez, Makeba Proby, Brittiney Mathes, Benjamin Raulston, Colby Newbrough, Megan Chambers, Belinda Scott, Jennifer Price, and Megan Chambers. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Mrs’ Wann’s first grade class pose with a statue of Mary Ann Goodnight last Friday during a school field trip to the Goodnight Historical Center. The day included stops at several historical and cultural sites. The Enterprise’s Cub Reporter has all the details on page four of this issue. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Running the 400 meter run is Bronco Abby Johnson at the Regional Track Meet last weekend in Levelland. Johnson performance landed her a trip to the state track meet. enterprise Photo / alice cobb
The Clarendon Junior High Band competed at the Highland Park Band Festival on Saturday, April 26, where the Colt Band received straight 1st division ratings from the judging panel. Congratulations on a job well done! Courtesy Photo
Clarendon College’s Iota Phi Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society inducted new members this month. Those joining were Austin Adams, Sabra Barnett, Tyler Biddle, Saber Bohlar, Morgan Boyer, Jacqueline Carrasco, Paige Chambers, Megan Chambers, Breanna Coons, Davis Corse, Kacy Drummond, Brian Epstein, Clayton Goodwin, Jennifer Guthrie, Allison Hancock, Lane Harrington, Rachel Heide, Brandon Hillier, Jessica Humphrey, Jerami Johnson, Kobie Jordan, Allison Lafferty, Jaylee Mays, Courtney McAnear, Elizabeth McLatchy, Thomas O’Brien, Sydney Parker, Benjamin Raulston, John Sanders, Cody Shannon, Brandon Turner, Shayna Wheeler, Courtney Wingate, and Briana Wiegel. CC Photo / Ashlee Estlack
Nine student athletes at Clarendon College signed letters of intent at the Bairfield Activity Center during National Signing Day for NCAA Divisions I and II last Wednesday, April 16. Lady Bulldogs signing to play basketball were Dhanyel Johnson – California State University – Fullerton, NCAA DI; Anissa Reyna – Oklahoma Panhandle State University, NCAA DII; Clarissa Elizondo – St. Edward’s University, NCAA DII; and Sidnee Harrison – Concordia University – Austin, NCAA DIII. Bulldog basketball players signing were Hershell Grant – Midwestern State University, NCAA DII; Melvin Mitchell – Oklahoma Panhandle State University, NCAA DII; Deangelo James – Oklahoma Panhandle State University, NCAA DII; Mario Garcia – Cameron University, NCAA DII; and D’Yonne Luke – UT-Tyler, NCAA DIII. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Crunching numbers for a cause- Hedley Elementary students competed in the St. Jude’s Math-A-Thon, which raises funds as well as awareness for St .Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. Hedley raised $568.00. “The Math-A-thon was great! I am very proud of these kids that participated and showed their compassion for the needs of helping those who truly need the support.” stated coordinator Becca Johnson. Pictured are Kylie McCann, Shelby Bowman, Ashara Arguello, Zack Wells, Danielle McCann, Carl Thorton, and Aden Woodard. Courtesy Photo / Kari Lindsey
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