Clarendon Chamber of Commerce President Bonnie Campbell presents $2,925 to Mary Shields, Director of the Donley County Senior Citizens Center Monday morning. The money was donated by several local merchants who dedicated a portion of their sales from a December 21 promotion to help the local senior center. The donation represents an increase over last year’s promotion, which netted $2,500 for the DCSC. Shown here are Gary Campbell of Campbell’s Online Marketing, Christi Coxy of Henson’s, Terri Floyd of Every Nook & Cranny, Buddy James of Lowe’s Family Center, Ronna Newman of Ronna’s Creations, Earl Hartman of J&W Lumber, MaryRuth Bishop of Wishes’ Quilting & Fabric, and Roger Estlack of The Clarendon Enterprise. Not pictured but participating in the promotion were Mike’s Pharmacy, Stavenhagen Video, Country Bloomers Flowers & Gifts, Straight Off The Ranch, the Clarendon Outpost, McKinney Motor Company, and Floyd’s Automotive Supply. Enterprise Photo / Morgan Wheatly
The Donley County Angel Tree Project assisted 69 children (under 12 years old) this Christmas in 24 low income families across Donley County. Thirty of the children on the Angel Tree were under five years old consisting of 17 separate households. We had an overwhelming response in providing minimum of one new outfit and one gift for each of child. More than 66 volunteers within Donley County have stepped up to make this happen. Enterprise Photo / Morgan Wheatly
Clarendon emergency personnel transport 67-year-old Midge Graham of Des Moines, New Mexico, to a waiting ambulance after the woman wrecked her car on US 287 near Jackson Street last Thursday, December 13. According the Donley County Sheriff’s Office, Graham was westbound when she failed to control her speed and struck two utility poles before striking the residence at 701 E. Second (US 287). Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
The Clarendon Junior High Student Council organized a canned food drive competition among the sixth, seventh and eighth grades this month. The canned food was donated to the Clarendon Lion’s Club for their annual food drive. CJH collected just over 600 items, and the winning class was the sixth grade with 318 cans. Courtesy Photo / Adelita Elam
Lions Club delivered forty Christmas baskets to families in Clarendon on Tuesday. Shown here are Lions Don Smith, Roger Estlack, John Taylor, Cameron Word, Chandra Eggemeyer, Russell Estlack, Steve Hall, and Lloyd Stice. Not pictured Lions Lambert Little, Ashlee Estlack, and Tex Buckhaults Enterprise Photo / Ashlee Estlack
Donley County residents Savannah Thackery, Haley Chambless, Caitlyn Christopher, and Amanda Smith at Clarendon College’s fall graduation Friday night, December 7. Enterprise Photo / Kari Lindsey
Nineteen Clarendon Junior High students participated with more than 1,000 other 1A, 2A, and 3A feeder programs in the region to earn spots in the Symphonic and Concert All-Region Honor Bands held at Panhandle High School on November 27. Eight CJH students were placed in the honor bands. Symphonic Band members are Taylon Knorpp (1st chair Tenor Saxophone), Seth Greer (5th chair French Horn), Whitney LaRoe (4th chair Trombone), and Nathan Shadle (7th chair Tuba). Representing Clarendon in the Concert Band are Cire Juaregui (8th chair Clarinet), Trinity Stribling (2nd chair French Horn), Sarah Williams (1st Alt. Trombone), and Justus Burton (2nd chair Tuba). Mr. Strobel and Mr. Cason, Clarendon band directors, are extremely proud of these students. “This is the first time we have placed students in the All-Region Bands in five years,” said Mr. Strobel. Photo courtesy Melody Hysinger
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