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The Clarendon Enterprise - Spreading the word since 1878.
Cowboys from Wilson Cattle made a repeat performance as they took top honors for the second year in a row during the Clarendon Outdoor Entertainment Association’s annual Ranch Rodeo last Friday and Saturday.
Wilson Cattle’s scores beat out 19 other local and regional teams as working cowboys put their skills to the test as part of the 135th annual Saints’ Roost Celebration. The team was made up of Rody Wilson, Tyler Rice, Ky Finck, Jason Thomas, and Jessie Valdez.
The Myers & Mimms Ranch finished second with the team of Willie McClesky, Matt Cramblet, Pete Moberley, Josey Shadle, and Kelly Cates. The Conley Ranch was third again this year with the team of Jeffrey Conley, Chad Conley, K.C. Green, and Chance Johnson.
The Top Hand for the rodeo was awarded to Tell Good of the Sand Hill Cattle Co., and the Top Horse award was won again by Rody Wilson.
This year’s total attendance for the two-day ranch rodeo and Wednesday’s junior rodeo was estimated to be 2,400 people, which was up from last year’s attendance of 2,135.
The Junior Ranch Rodeo was won by the IC Cattle Co. with a team of Dustin Crump, Chance McAnear, Tres Hommel, Jack Baca, and Jayton Walden. The second place team was from the Bar H Cattle Co. and consisted of Brody Rankin, Kolton Burnett, Connor Paulsky, Kutter Burnett, and Flint Brownlee. The Mill Iron Ranch was third in the junior rodeo with a team of Brody Rankin, Kolton Burnett, Flint Brownlee, Casey McClesky, and Connor Paulsky.
Top Hand winner for the Junior Ranch Rodeo was Kutter Burnett of the Mill Iron Ranch, and he also had the Top Horse.
Junior Calf, Donkey, and Steer Riding and Mutton Bustin’ were held all three nights. Overall Mutton Bustin’ champion for the three nights was Colton Benson. Overall Calf Riding Champion was Coyt Tucek, and the Overall Donkey and Steer Riding champion was Lane Oles.
Nightly winners of the junior events were as follows:
July 4 – Calf Scramble – Jade Benson, Dillian Armstrong, and Payton Havens; Mutton Bustin’ – Colton Benson 1st, Taylor Halsell 2nd, and Coyt Tucek 3rd; Calf Riding – Coyt Tucek 1st, Levi Walden 2nd, and Colton Benson 3rd; Donley Riding – Lane Oles 1st, Dalton Benson 2nd, and Cole Franks 3rd; and Steer Riding – Ryon McClesky 1st, Colton Benson 2nd, and Payton Havens 3rd.
July 6 – Calf Scramble – Toady Crump, Kooper Huddleston, and William Armstrong; Mutton Bustin’ – Emmy Stephens 1st, Coyt Tucek 2nd, and Elliot Kitten 3rd; Calf Riding – Coyt Tucek 1st, Hayden Holwick 2nd, and Reece Wright 3rd; Donkey Riding – Wyatt Griffin 1st, Lane Oles 2nd, and Kater Tate 3rd; and Steer Riding – Lane Oles, 1st, Cutter Hermesmeyer 2nd, and Ryan McClesky 3rd.
July 7 – Calf Scramble – Nathan Shadle, Tristan Harper, and Gavin Word; Mutton Bustin’ – Ashley Yankie 1st, Taylor Halsell 2nd, and Benny Proffitt 3rd; Calf Riding – Gage Hogawson 1st, Nathan Sperry 2nd, and Coyt Tucek 3rd; Donkey Riding – Kater Tate 1st, Cash Johnson 2nd, and Ben Crockett 3rd; and Steer Riding – Lane Oles 1st, Ryan McClesky 2nd, and Tristan Harper 3rd.
Beef winners for all three nights include James Oles, Kalli Griffin, and Deana Crump.
A fun and patriotic crowd gathered on the Courthouse Square last Wednesday, July 4, and enjoyed the festivities of the 135th annual Saints’ Roost Celebration.
The Kids’ Parade started the day with the youngsters peddling or driving from Henson’s around the block in front of the Courthouse. In the 0-4 age group, Kyndall Shields was first, Meredith Artho was second, and Elliott Frausto was third. Braxton Gribble won the 5-8 age group with MaKenna Shadle second and Molley Davis third. The 9-12 age group was won by Keeden Moody, Davis Conklin was second, and Jaxon Robertson was third. Ethan Babcock was also recognized as having the first place bicycle.
The annual Craft Fair drew a big crowd to the courthouse square with a total of 52 vendors, up 12 from last year; and the Chamber of Commerce recognized several pioneer citizens during the Old Settlers gathering. The following honorees received t-shirts from the Chamber: Francis Skelton, Dorothy Breedlove, Helen Lamberson, Doug Lowe, Billy Powell, and Tommie Saye.
The Al Morrah Shrine Club served 717 plates of barbecue this year. That number is down from 800 last year, but Shriners said they thought it was very good with the Fourth landing on Wednesday this year. A portion of the proceeds from the annual barbecue are used in conjunction with the Khiva Shrine Temple in Amarillo to help pay for the transportation of kids to the Shriners’ burns and crippled children’s hospitals.
That afternoon, the Western Parade delighted kids of all ages as floats, riding units, emergency vehicles, and other entries wound their way from City Park through downtown and back again. The Donley County 4-H Club took first place among all parade entries, the Clarendon Jr. High Cheerleaders were second, and a T-Bird owned by Jimmy Mitchel was third. Honorable mention in the parade went to Paulette Kidd and her friends with their “Dogs – A Girls’ Best Friend” entry.
Several organizations held fundraisers during the celebration. The winners of the Lions Club Cow Patty Bingo were Ronnie McAnear, $500; Christi Noble, $250; and Jesus Hernandez and Jack Moore, $50 each. Tookie Thornberry won the John Deere riding lawn mower given by the Junior Livestock Association in support of the Donley County Activity Center. Kasi Davis was the winner of the St. Mary’s Catholic Women Quilt Drawing. Steve Sell won the Saints’ Roost metal sign from the Clarendon Firebelles.
The Cash for Kids drawing fundraiser for the Donley County Child Welfare Board raised a total of $10,000, half of which went to the grand prize winner. Guy Ellis owned the 100th ticket drawn and received $5,000. The 75th ticket drawn for a trip to the Wedding Ranch was purchased by Kathy Haggerman; and the 50th ticket drawn was a Bar H Ranch trip and was purchased by Barbara Cosper. The 25th ticket drawn for a $200 Target gift card was purchased by CASA of the High Plains. The community’s support towards this fundraiser was appreciated.
The Clarendon Outdoor Entertainment Association hosted a Junior Ranch Rodeo on July Fourth and an open Ranch Rodeo on July 6 and 7. Results of those events are listed in a separate article in this week’s edition.
The Downtown Merchants Association kicked things off Friday, July 6, with sidewalk sales and a Depression Luncheon on Kearney Street. Henson’s annual Turtle Race was held that afternoon. There were altogether 168 participants, which was a considerable increase from the 78 terrapin handlers last year. The winners were Kyler Bell of Clarendon for the 0-4 division, Malorie Collins of White Deer for the 5-8 division, and Carson Campbell of Borger for the 9-14 division. Each winner received a coin bag full of gold dollars and a turtle pin.
Weather for this year’s celebration was warm and sunny but more favorable than the week before when the mercury soared above 100. The community was again very busy, and this year’s celebration was also seen as a success.
Overgrown brush and trees were ignited by careless use of fireworks last Thursday afternoon near Bugbee Avenue and the JA Ranch Road. Clarendon Fire Chief Jeremy Powell said local firemen and a city front-end loader were able to get the fire under control but some trees continued to smolder for a couple of days. Enterprise Photo / Ashlee Estlack
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