Receiving recognition as the Most Athletic students at Hedley High School were Coltin Kingston, Bailey Wood, Kati Adams, and Nicco Bennett. Enterprise Photo / Kari Lindsey
The Enterprise senior crew captured this picture of the annual eclipse Sunday evening by shooting the image through a pair of Brighton sunglasses from Every Nook & Cranny.
The Clarendon Fire Department recently held their annual family night party. Delbert Robertson was recognized for his 32 years of dedicated service as Fire Chief. Robertson resigned as fire chief but remains an active member of the Clarendon Fire Department. Anndria Newhouse was awarded Firebelle of the Year by the Clarendon firemen. Ryan Hill was named rookie firemen of the year. Buddy Howard was named fireman of the year.
The first graders at Clarendon Elementary had baby chicks hatch in their classrooms this week. With the help of the Donley County Extension office they placed eggs in incubators in their classrooms on April 19th and this week approximately 21 days later the baby chicks hatched and came chirping their way into 1st grade. Makenna Shadle, Kenleigh Dunham, Jayde Gribble, April Franklin, and Jacquaviyon Brown. Courtesy Photo
Seven Clarendon High School students competed in the thirty-second annual Texas State History Day in Austin on May 4. The group performance, Revolutionary Blood, by senior Kae Hewett and junior Samantha Sanderson placed fourth in competition and received the Outstanding Regional Entry Award. Senior MiKayla Shadle placed fifth with her historical paper Sarah Cockrell: A Woman of Substance. Shadle, also, received the Ruthe Winegarten prize for the best entry dealing with women’s history. The award carries a $100 cash prize, autographed copy of the book I Am Annie Mae by Annie Hunt and a medal. Other students representing Clarendon High School and the Panhandle-Plains Region were seniors Nathan Dziedzic and Jerah Luna and juniors Elizabeth Best and Maritta Brady. Clarendon High School congratulates all of our competitors for their hard work and dedication to the preservation of history.
The Clarendon High School FFA Livestock Judging Team is destined for the national competition after placing second at the State FFA Livestock Judging contest at Texas A&M University on Saturday, May 5. There were 580 teams that started the Judging season in Texas, and it was narrowed down to 89 teams and 348 individuals for the state contest. The Clarendon FFA qualified for first in Area I and placed second in the state contest. Team members are Jacob Pigg, Jayson Pigg, John Pigg, Tylee Williams and Tres Hommel. Jacob Pigg was fourth high individual, John Pigg was 26th and Jayson was 28th. The team will participate at the National Western Stock Show Judging Contest at Denver in January. Shown here are Peyton Gilbert, State FFA President; Tres Hommel; Jayson Pigg; Tylee Williams; Jacob Pigg; sponsor Don Hillis, and FFA First Vice President Sheldon Franks. Courtesy Photo / Laura Hommel
Neither rain nor sleet nor snow will keep the postman from his appointed rounds… cows, however, are another matter. This US Mail truck overturned near Hedley Sunday, May 6, after running into a cow, officials said. Courtesy Photo / Donley County Sheriff’s Office
Hiway 84 of Clovis, New Mexico, was the winner of the second annual Battle of the Bands as part of the Clarendon Concert Series last Friday evening in City Park. Enterprise Photo / Morgan Wheatly
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