CC Meats team wins national title
Clarendon College’s meats judging team won the Junior College National Meats Judging Championship when they competed in Plainview October 29.
Individuals contributing to the win include Nick Hardcastle, fifth high individual; William Sellers, eighth high; Clayton Krause, ninth high; and Carson Mitchell, eleventh high.
The CC alternate team also placed first in the A-Alternate Division with 3,521 points.
Individuals placing for the team include Caetlyn Avant, first high; Shelby McClain, sixth high; Tyler Crafton, eighth high; Logan Mason, ninth high; and John Baker, eleventh high.
“I am so proud of these young men and women. The huge number of trophies and plaques that our team brought back was amazing,” CC Athletic Director John Green said.
“I have never experience an awards event of this magnitude and am honored to be associated with the quality students we have at Clarendon College and this Meat Judging Team.”
“We look forward to events to celebrate and recognize this team for being the best of the best,” Green said. “Congratulations to them on a job well done.”
The meat judging teams are coach by Texas Tech students Tate Corliss and Henry Ruiz. Ruiz was a member of the 2007 National Champion Clarendon College Meat Judging team.
The contest is sponsored by Cargill Meats Solutions and the competition is held at the Cargill facility north of Plainview.
Also last week, the CC Livestock team placed 10th out of 28 teams at the American Royal Junior College Livestock Judging Contest in Kansas City, MO, October 29.
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Heater caused H-wick house fire
A fire that threatened a home in Howardwick last week was apparently started in the central heating system.
Clarendon Fire Marshall Jeremy Powell said it was not clear why the fire began, but he said it was apparent where it started.
“We had trucks leaving the station within about three minutes, and we were on the scene in 13 minutes,” Powell said. “The fire was put out exactly one hour to the minute from when we were paged.”
The fire was contained to two bedrooms and a bathroom; and while most of the structure was saved, the family says there was extensive smoke damage.
Family members report that Mr. and Mrs. Fulton are staying at the Best Western Red River Inn and have recently found a replacement mobile home. This week a good Samaritan has stepped forward to clean off the site and prepare it for the new home.
The couple’s furniture needs are met, but they need towels, pillows, bedding, etc. If anyone wishes to help, they can call the Fulton’s daughter, Linda Rowland, at 874-4824.
“Mostly they just need prayers right now,” Mrs. Rowland said.
Sounds sweet!

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