Clarendon Cub Scouts Cameron Taylor, Kinze Zongker, Zachary Taylor, and Rylan Taylor salute during the flag raising ceremony at Bronco Stadium last Friday before the football game. Also shown here are scout leaders Nathan Zongker and Chuck Robertson. Not pictured were Cub Scouts Wade Fowler and Jaquadon Ballard and Scouts BSA Jaxon Robertson and Ella Estlack. Clarendon Cub Scouts will hold a sign-up night at the school cafeteria on Tuesday, September 20, at 6:30 p.m. All kids ages kindergarten through fifth grade are encouraged and welcome to sign up. For information about Cub Scouts or Scouts BSA, call 806-662-4689. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Megan Weatherread, Madison Torres, Savannah Trent, and Taylee Elhert were announced as Hedley’s Homecoming Court last week. The school will crown the Homecoming Queen this Friday when the Owls take on Vernon Northside on Memorial Field. Game time will be at 7:30 p.m. Enterprise Photo / Kari Lindsey
Dozens of kids enjoyed swimming after hours August 19 when the Clarendon Aquatic Center held its Bronco Splash following Clarendon High School’s scrimmage with Childress. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Workers are busy on Seventh Street this week between Koogle and Ellerbe streets. The city-funded project is rebuilding the road that has been ravaged over the years from storm water. Enterprise Photo
Clarendon CISD welcomed several new faculty and staff members and employees in new positions last week. Shown here are (back) Jennifer Martinez, kindergarten; Amanda Martindale, junior high math; Anessa Woodard, elementary paraprofessional; Mariah Putnam, junior high paraprofessional; Charyssa Woodcook, junior high English; Ashley Bowman, elementary paraprofessional; Anne Dushay, fourth grade; (front) Kathy Campbell, element paraprofessional; Sharyn Morrow, junior high paraprofessional; Jenifer Pigg, junior high principal; Kristen Taylor, high school secretary; Tanya Burton, district nurse; Jamie Cowley and Beverly Taylor, cafeteria staff; and Jacob Diaz, band director. CCISD Photo
The Clarendon Enterprise crew – Tara Allred, Ben Estlack, Ella Estlack, Roger Estlack, and (behind the camera) Ashlee Estlack, display the awards presented to the paper by the Texas Press Association last month. The Enterprise won the Sweepstakes Award for small weeklies.
Members of the Bronoc Band douse Jacob Murillo with water following the a booster club sponsored water balloon fight last week. Murillo was named last week as the band’s drum major for the second year in a row. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
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