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The Clarendon Enterprise - Spreading the word since 1878.
A patriotic crowd assembled Saturday, July 2, for the 145th annual Saints’ Roost Celebration at the Donley County Courthouse in Clarendon to celebrate America’s independence.
The Liberty Electric / Masonic Lodge Kids’ Parade started the day with the youngsters peddling or driving from Third Street down Sully Street in front of the Courthouse. Winners of the kids parade were Ayden Alfonso, Waverly Crump, Matthew Newhouse, and Kingston Floyd.
The annual Herring Bank Parade followed the kids’ event and very festive with nearly all of the entries following the parade theme, “Life is a Circus.”
The Behind the Chutes Cowboy Church was the best Animal entry and also won the Grand Prize for the best overall entry.
Other winners were Best Float – the Bronco Cheerleaders, Best Tractor – Dan Sawyer (driven by US Rep. Ronny Jackson), Best Car – Steve Carthel, and Best Other Entry – the Khiva Shriners.
The Al Morrah Shrine Club served about 500 plates of barbecue this year. A portion of the proceeds from the annual barbecue are used in conjunction with the Khiva Shrine Temple in Amarillo to help pay for the transportation of kids to the Shriners’ burns and crippled children’s hospitals.
The Donley County Junior Livestock Assocation raffled off a gun, and Jim Stevenson won it.
The Clarendon Lions Club’s Cow Patty Bingo was won by Chris Seay, Jesus Hernandez, and Anndria Newhouse.
Bridie Lindsay won the 36” Blackstone Outdoor Griddle from the Bronco Band Boosters.
Henson’s annual Turtle Race was also held Saturday afternoon in its traditional location at Third and Kearney. Winning turtle jockeys this year were Clara Wilkins, Landrey Hill, and McKinley Wilhelm.
The Wilson Cattle Company took top honors at the Clarendon Outdoor Entertainment Association’s annual Ranch Rodeo last Friday and Saturday during the 145th annual Saints’ Roost Celebration.
Wilson’s scores beat out 19 other local and regional ranch rodeo teams as working cowboys put their skills to the test.
The Wilson team was made up of Cayce Lewis, Rodey Wilson, Carter Robertson, Ben Crockett, and Rylan Ferbrache.
The Bar R Horses team finished second with Phllip Reynolds, Rye Reynolds, Chance Holcombe, Wesley Gudgell, and Levi Molesworth; and the Rafter S team was third with Brad Shadle, Randy Crump, Tanner Hart, Wesley Gudgell, and Jacob Gudgell.
The Top Hand for the rodeo was awarded to Wesley Gudgell, and the Top Horse award was won by Elwyn McCleskey riding “Banjo.”
This year’s attendance for the three-day junior rodeo and ranch rodeo was 1,222 similar to the 1,287 who attended in 2021 but still down from the pre-pandemic attendance of 1,391 in 2019.
The Junior Ranch Rodeo was won by the 96 Ranch team comprised of Brooks Myers, Reece Myers, Kale Brunson, Jaxon Stoker, and Blaine Roberts.
The second place junior team was the Six-O Ranch with Rankin Proffitt, Clint Cross, Kain Van Ryn, Tate Thomson, and Flint Hill; and the Barnes Cattle team was third in the junior competition with Degan Barnes, Kesler Barnes, Kail Brunson, Bonnar Barnes, and Jaxon Stoker.
Top Hand winner for the Junior Ranch Rodeo was the late Clayton Anderson, a young cowboy who lost his life in a automobile accident just days before the annual rodeo was to take place.
Jaxon Stoker rode the Top Horse for the junior rodeo.
Junior Calf, Donkey, and Steer Riding and Mutton Bustin’ were held all three nights. Overall Mutton Bustin’ champion for the three nights was Rance Peters.
Overall Calf Riding Champion was also Rance Peters, the Overall Donkey Rider was Chance Anderson, and Steer Riding champion was Colton Henson.
Nightly winners of the kids rodeo events were as follows:
Thursday, June 30 – Calf Scramble – Taos Armstrong, Travis Mellard, and Rank Profit; Mutton Bustin’ – Cutter Gaither; Calf Riding – Ainslee Lewis, Donkey Riding – Briggs Martin; and Steer Riding – Brigs Martin.
Friday, July 1 – Calf Scramble – Travis Mellard, Briggs Martin, and Claira Messer; Mutton Bustin’ – Rance Peters; Calf Riding – Rance Peters; Donkey Riding – Chance Anderson; and Steer Riding – Briggs Martin.
Saturday, July 2 – Calf Scramble – Hazen Lamb, Reese Myers, and Jaylie Ducan; Mutton Bustin’ – Rance Peters; Calf Riding – Lincoln Smith; Donkey Riding – Chance Anderson; and Steer Riding – Colton Henson.
A fire on the south side of the Greenbelt Lake dam burned about seven acres Monday night, according to Clarendon Fire Chief Jeremy Powell.
The Clarendon Volunteer Fire Department was called to a fire about 9:55 p.m. Powell said firefighters allowed the fire to burn to the lake rather than try to put it out. The fire cleared out brush in a hard to get to area.
The exact cause of the fire is not known, but fireworks were being used in the area.
Later that night, the department was called out again about 3 a.m. Powell said someone had shot fireworks, cleaned up their mess, and then placed their trash in the back of their pickup. Unfortunately, that trash later caught on fire and burned up the pickup.
Also on Sunday night, the department was called to a small grass fire at the intersection of FM 2362 and CR 9, and fireworks were suspected of being the cause there as well.
“For the most part, people were fairly responsible, and some light showers helped keep things from being so dry,” he said. “It was a great Fourth of July.”
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