Fun Run Donations

The Clarendon Enterprise - Spreading the word since 1878.
The 89th annual Hall County Picnic was celebrated Saturday with lots of activities in Memphis with most events taking place around the courthouse downtown.
A cowboy breakfast and a 5K kicked off the day’s events, and a cornhole tournament was held downtown as well.
The annual Hall County Picnic Parade took off at after 11 a.m. with great fanfare and participation from several businesses and organizations.
Parade winners were Civic – Memphis Lions Club, first; Texas Forest Service, second; and Memphis VFD, third; Antique Cars & Tractors – Dea Elliot – 1930 AA Ford, first; Chris Lockhart – 1975 Ford F750, second; Dallan Skinner – 1971 Corvette, third; Miscellaneous – MHS Class of ‘89, first; MHS Class of ‘84, second; MHS Class of ‘94, third; Bicycle Riders – Corey Welch, first; School / Youth Groups – MHS Cheerleaders & Football Team, first; MMS Cheerleaders & Football Team, second; MHS Band, third; Motorized – Ollinger Kids, first; Green Goblin – Paul Ables, second; Altman Girls, third; Commercial – Kathy Fowler Agency, first; Memphis Convalescent Center, second; Summer Towing of Hedley, third; Horseback Riders – Will Rogers Range Riders, first; Anslie Montgomery, second; Chelsay Perkins, third; and Judges’ Choice – Lighthouse Electric.
Afternoon activities included water polo hosted by the Memphis Volunteer Fire Department and a poker run sponsored by the Kathy Fowler Agency.
The high hand winner was Edward McKinney with $276, and the low hand winner was Tommy Speed with $184. The Fowler Agency donated $460 to Hall County Meals on Wheels.
Rain rolled in Saturday evening, but that did not stop the festivities at the street dance. The band took refuge on a sidewalk and played under an awing will be residents continued to dance.
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