The Clarendon Lions Club held its 98th anniversary Charter Banquet last Saturday night, October 3, and presented awards during the evening as the culmination of Lions Day in the city.

Boss Lion Landon Lambert presented Lion Scarlet Estlack with the Past President’s Award, and Lion John Howard was recognized as the Lion of the Year for his service to the community as its doctor and county judge during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Aubrey Jaramillo was formally crowned as the club’s Sweetheart for the current year.
District Governor Henry Wyckoff spoke about the plans for growth in Lionism in the Texas Panhandle and also recognized Lion Ashlee Estlack for ten years of service and Lion Chuck Robertson for 15 years of service.
The Boss Lion announced a new membership drive as the club gets ready for its centennial celebration in 2022. Lambert said he wants to see the club attract 22 new members by 2022.
Those attending this year’s banquet were DG Wyckoff, First Vice District Governor Jerry Whatley and his partner in service Lion Cheryl Whatley, Second Vice District Governor Roger Estlack and his partner in service Lion Ashlee Estlack and their children Benjamin and Elaina, Boss Lion Landon Lambert, Lion Scarlet Estlack and Lion Russell Estlack and their sons Nathan and Daniel, Lion Chuck Robertson and wife Amanda, Lion Jacob Fangman, Lion John Howard, Lion Pam Hill and guest Robert Wallace, Sweetheart Aubrey Jaramillo with Mandy Jaramillo and Grady Garrett, and Lion Donnie Carroll, Boss Lion of the Memphis Lions Club.
Earlier in the day Saturday, more than 30 Lions from all over the Panhandle assembled at the Mulkey Theatre for the District 2-T1 fall cabinet meeting. The meeting began with donuts and coffee at 8:30 and concluded with a luncheon. Mayor Sandy Skelton welcomed the Lions and read a proclamation declaring October 3 as Lions International Centennial Celebration Day in Clarendon.
Following the cabinet meeting, the Clarendon Lions Club held its eighth annual Chance Mark Jones 5K Roar & Run.
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