Neon blue

The Clarendon Enterprise - Spreading the word since 1878.
Folks with or without green thumbs are invited to join the Donley County Garden Club’s first annual Tour of Gardens this Sunday, June 28, from 3 to 5 p.m. to benefit the Christ’s Kids Ministry.
A total of six family gardens are on the tour for this inaugural event, and Judy Thomas says she and her fellow club members have two main goals with the benefit tour.
“First, we want to help support the Christ’s Kids, and second, we want to educate folks on what you can do with gardens,” she said.
The club just got started this year and has between 20 and 25 members, most of whom live in Donley County but gardeners from Memphis and Amarillo have been active as well.
Thomas said the Tour of Gardens will be self-guided with people being able to start and stop with which ever spot on the map they choose. Each location will have a donation bucket for the Christ’s Kids.
As it looked for a way to not only foster more interest in gardening but also to serve the community, the garden club felt that Christ’s Kids Ministry was a natural fit with its mission to feed local kids both spiritually and physically.
“It’s an outreach that ultimately feeds kids who may not get good nutrition otherwise,” Thomas said.
The Tour of Gardens will feature different styles of gardening. Thomas and her husband Gary utilize mostly raised beds in their garden where they grow tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, cilantro, zucchini, strawberries, and more.
“Raised beds are easy to care for and demonstrate what you can do in a small space,” Thomas said.
Gardening is not that difficult and used to be much more commonplace than it is today, Thomas said. Her own interest in the hobby was bolstered by a desire to be more self-sufficient in terms of the food supply.
“It’s not as much work as some people think,” Thomas said. “It’s also important to realize that you’re going to have fails, but don’t give up.”
Garden tour locations in Clarendon are at the residences of Gary and Judy Thomas at 508 W. Barcus Street, Che and Linde Shadle at 1013 W. 8th Street, Russell and Scarlet Estlack at 621 S. Collinson Street, and B.J. and Jennie Owens at 518 S. Bugbee Avenue as well as outside of town at Dale and Amanda Askew home at 4240 S. Hwy 70 and Bill and Deanna Cornell’s home at 4166 CR 13. A map is located on the back page of this week’s Enterprise. Click here for a map!
To learn more, contact Judy Thomas at 806-206-5278.
Clarendon’s Sandell Drive-In is just one of only 300 drive-ins across North America that will host a Garth Brooks concert event on June 27 that will be streamed onto the big screen.
The concert will be created exclusively for this event, making this a once in a lifetime experience, and will be the largest ever one-night show to play at outdoor theaters across the United States and Canada.
Sandell owner John Morrow is busy this week working to increase the drive-in’s capacity from 300 vehicles to more than 500 in anticipation of an enormous crowd.
“Because of COVID-19, this is all happening,” Morrow said, referring to social distancing guidelines and restrictions on seating capacities in stadiums and auditoriums. “More events will be coming this summer, including video events like this as well as future live concerts.”
Morrow said the Sandell will not have a movie this weekend as work continues to get ready for the June 27 event, which he says could draw as many as 2,800 to 3,000 people. Such a turnout would be a huge influx of people for the local economy and would blow away any previous attendance record at the drive-in. Morrow said the biggest crowd he’s had since he reopened the Sandell in 2002 was 415 people. Previous owner
Gary Barnhill may have had a bigger crowd than that sometime between 1955 and 1984, but still the vehicle capacity was limited to 300.
The Garth Brooks concert video event will be produced by Encore Live, a leading event production company.
“I am so excited to get to play again. I have missed it so much and want to get back to it,” said Brooks. “This drive-in concert allows us all to get back to playing live music without the uncertainty of what would be the result to us as a community. This is old school, new school, and perfect for the time we are in.”
“Families need safe entertainment options that they can enjoy together this summer,” said Encore Live Founder and CEO Walter Kinzie. “We’re excited to partner with Garth, who’s already done so much to help the entertainment industry during these tough times, to provide a truly unique and incredible concert that will do a whole lot of good for local businesses and communities.”
Tickets will be on sale Friday, June 19, at 11 a.m. central time at Ticketmaster.com/garthbrooks. There, you will also be able to review the drive-in theaters available in your area. The tickets are general admission and of limited availability. Each ticket will cost $100 and will admit one passenger car or truck, and Morrow says you can have as many people in your vehicle as you have seat belts for.
“If you have seven people in a Suburban, that amounts to just over $14 per person,” Morrow said.
The event will take place rain or shine and will begin at dusk.
Morrow said in addition to the Sandell’s famous concession stand, he will have at least two food trucks on hand to help serve the crowd.
Clarendon residents will also want to pay careful attention to the Brooks video because the Sandell is reported to play a role in it.
Morrow said participating drive-ins were invited to submit video clips to the producers and said a clip from the Sandell’s fire-blowing “Miss Fritter” school bus made the cut and impressed Brooks himself so much that he sent a personal message to Morrow, thanking him for his efforts and telling him, “You are the man!”
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