Lucky spinners during last week’s Late Night Shopping were Jill Chambless, Neil Koetting, and Elizabeth Zonger. The next Late Night Shopping will be held December 20 in Downtown Clarendon! Courtesy Photo / Bob Weiss
Clarendon College’s Theatre Department staged a production of “A Doll House” last Thursday in the Harned Sisters Fine Arts Center. Shown here are actors Orian Neal, Ethan Cole Shipman, Jenna Faye Wilson, Adley Gilmer, and Jaci Claxton. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
The Community Thanksgiving dinner last Thursday served almost 300 meals. Dinner organizers said they were blessed with numerous volunteers this year, including the Bulldog basketball team. Courtesy Photo
Clarendon fourth-grader Logan Mathis hugs his cousin, Army veteran George Hall, during a Veterans Service at the Bronco Gym Tuesday afternoon. Several services honoring veterans were planned around the county and had to be rescheduled after a winter storm hit the area Sunday night. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
US Rep. Mac Thornberry and Sally Thornberry cast their ballots at the Donley County Courthouse for the 2018 General Election Tuesday afternoon. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Collin Butler runs the ball for the Broncos during their loss to Gruver last week. Clarendon is on the road this Friday night to play Vega. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Les Beaux Arts Club member Tommye Duncan discusses works of art with Clarendon fourth graders during last week’s Clarendon Arts Festival at the Donley County Activity Center. Enterprise Photo / Tara Allred
The 400 block of Collinson Street was closed to through traffic Tuesday morning as workers with LA Fuller & Sons began the work of laying pipe as part of Clarendon’s $3.9 million water infrastructure improvement program. Excavations will continue this week on Collinson, McLean, and Third streets. Meanwhile, on the east side of town, a portion of Jackson Street remains closed as workers continue to build the new water standpipe there. City Administrator David Dockery asks motorists to avoid those areas for worker safety and says some water customers may have intermittent loss of service as utility crews tie in the new lines. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
John Morrow of Morrow Drilling tests the well for the Clarendon’s future water recreation facility last Tuesday, October 9. Morrow donated his service to drill the well, which he said hit a very good stream of groundwater; and during testing last week, the well was pumping about 100 gallons per minute, which Morrow said was about the limit of that particular pump. The well will be restricted to a much lower rate of pumping when it’s completed. Solicitation of bids for the water recreation project is expected in the near future. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
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