Clarendon’s old Allsup’s at US 287 and Koogle was demolished Monday, Sept. 10. The building was originally constructed in 1956 as the home of Vallance Foodliner prior to becoming Allsup’s in the 1970s. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Local churches welcomed Clarendon College students back to campus last Tuesday during the traditional Ice Cream Social in the Bairfield Activity Center. CC Photos / Ashlee Estlack
Ryan McCleskey carries the ball for Clarendon last week against Lockney during the Broncos’ 35-0 victory. The Broncos will take on Highland Park this Friday in Clarendon. Courtesy Photo / Adelita Elam
Senior class officers at Clarendon High School this year are President Noab Elam, Vice President Brandalyn Ellis, Secretary Sandrea Smith, and Treasurer Isaac Dunham.
Preston Elam carries the ball for the Broncos during their scrimmage with Sunray last Friday evening. Clarendon will open its regular season this Friday night on the road in Lockney. Enterprise Photo / Ben Estlack
Robert and Nancy Brogdin of Pampa stand beside their 1955 Ford Crown Victoria, which was the fan favorite during the classic car show at the Sandell Drive-in Saturday night. Robert has owned this car for 55 years, and he had it decked out for the show with an authentic drive-in speaker on the passenger window and a carhop tray on the driver’s side. The car show was well attended, and movie-goers enjoyed a screening of the classic “American Graffiti. Enterprise Photo / Roger Estlack
Clarendon CISD has several new faces as this school year gets underway. Shown here are (back) Brian Fritz, Junior High Math ; Carlos Camarena, Elementary Music; Drew Ahrens, Band ; Savannah Ahrens, Junior High Special Education ; Christopher Woodcook, High School Social Studies; (front) Travis Victory, Junior High Principal; Paige Roberts, Elementary Aide; Anne Dushay, Fifth Grade ; and Dennis McMenamy, High School Theatre. Not pictured: Elizabeth Cranford, High School English; and LaTonia Ralston, Junior High Aide. Courtesy Photo / Lisa Grahn
Clarendon CISD personnel participated in two days of intense training to help them better prepare for modern school security issues. Tuesday morning, local law enforcement responded to a simulated active shooter situation at the school. Enterprise Photos / Roger Estlack
Smoke and ash blew across the city last Wednesday after lightning set fire to the cattails in Clarendon Lake adjacent to the wastewater treatment facility. Enterprise Photo / Ashlee Estlack
The Hedley Owls started Two-A-Day practice on Monday. The Owls will scrimmage against Chillicothe next Friday, August 17 at 6:00 p.m. in Chillicothe. Enterprise Photo / Kari Lindsey
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