The Clarendon Lions Club held its 97th anniversary Charter Banquet last Tuesday night, October 29, and presented awards during the evening.
Boss Lion Scarlet Estlack presented Lion John Howard with the past president’s award. Lion Howard then presented the Boss Lion with the Lion of the Year of award.
Mattee Johnson and Kira Weathergon were formally crowned as the club’s two Sweethearts for the current year.
District Governor Dan Shuman also recognized the following Lions for their years of service: Lions Jerry Woodard and James Shelton – 35 years; and Lions Robert Riza, Robert Taylor, Reneé Mott, and Larry Capranica – 10 years.
Trish Wilson, the Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations for the Texas Lions Camp, was the featured speaker of the evening. She talked about the excellent programs the Lions Camp offers for children with disabilities, diabetes, and asthma. One camper summed up the experience at Texas Lions Camp the best she said. “Fifty-one weeks out of the year, I live in a world made for you. One week a year, I live in world made for me.”
The Lions Camp is offered free of charge and is supported by members’ dues as well as contributions from the club itself.
Those attending this year’s banquet were DG Shuman and his wife Lois, District Camp Director Mike Poole, Trish Wilson, Boss Lion Scarlet Estlack, Lion Russell Estlack, Lion Roger Estlack, Lion Ashlee Estlack, Lion Chuck Robertson and wife Amanda, Lion Jacob Fangman, Lion John Howard, Lion Landon Lambert, Lion Pam Hill, Mary Ann and Glenn Weatherton with Sweetheart Kira, and Sandy Johnson with Sweetheart Mattee.
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