Clarendon hit a new record last week when Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar distributed monthly sales tax allocations to local governments.
The city’s May allocation came in at an all-time monthly high of $56,593.42, which was up more 27.73 percent over the same period one year ago.
The figure blew past the previous monthly high, which was set just six months ago in November with a total of $45,308.43. Clarendon closed out calendar year 2018 with the highest sales tax revenue in his history, collecting $421,334.60.
After seeing declining revenues in the first months of 2019, this month’s allocation has caused excitement at City Hall and now puts the city 6.21 percent ahead for the calendar year-to-date at $181,324.46 up from $170,708.75 at this point in 2018.
May’s allocations are based on sales made in March by businesses that report tax monthly, and sales made in January, February and March by quarterly filers.
Hedley and Howardwick also posted gains this month. Hedley’s May allocation was up 157.9 percent to $2,340.71, putting that city 14.84 percent ahead for the year-to-date at $4,776.72.
Howardwick brought in 27.2 percent more at $1,220.53 and is now up 3.88 percent for the year at $5,648.26.
Statewide, Hegar sent local governments $867.7 million in local sales tax allocations for May, 0.7 percent more than in May 2018.
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