Mark your calendars for Clarendon’s 13th annual “Trash To Treasures” garage sale event, which will be held Saturday, June 2, this year.
The sign-up period is now open for garage sales in Hedley, Howardwick, and the surrounding area.
Residents who wish to participate in this year’s “Trash To Treasures” are asked to come by the Enterprise before 5 p.m. on Friday, May 25, to sign up for the promotion.
For just $25, each household will get a 50-word advertisement in the Big-E Classifieds and the exclusive “Trash To Treasures” garage sale signs. In addition, the Enterprise will print a city map the week of the event indicating the location of each sale and will promote the citywide garage sale in area newspapers and with local radio ads.
“The more people who have garage sales during Trash To Treasures, the better everyone will do,” said Roger Estlack, publisher of The Clarendon Enterprise which sponsors the event. “Sign-up fees are what cover the cost of area advertising, so we can reach more people and have better attendance if we have a larger number of sales.”
For more information about the annual Trash To Treasures garage sale event, call 874-2259 or come by the Enterprise office at 105 S. Kearney.
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