The Clarendon ISD Board of Trustees will consider adopting a $5.6 million budget for fiscal year 2018 when they meet next Monday, August 28.
Superintendent Mike Norrell says expenses in the proposed budget are 0.26 percent higher than the current budget. The school’s proposed operating budget will be $5.379 million plus approximately $240,000 for food services.
“We saw a decrease in payroll expense because we lost seven longtime teachers who were replaced with new teachers at lower pay step,” Norrell said.
Even though payroll expenses will be down overall, the budget does include step raises for district teachers and instructional aides as well as a 2.25 percent increase for at-will employees.
Norrell said the budget is based on an average daily attendance of 440 students, just as last year’s budget was. Clarendon ISD’s enrollment Monday afternoon morning was sitting at 474.
Clarendon ISD will maintain its current tax rate of $1.17 per $100 valuation as approved by voters four years ago. Due to higher property values, that tax rate will generate about $1.79 million in revenue.
Payments in lieu of taxes from the Salt Fork Wind Project are expected to bring in more than $40,000, and the remaining funds to support the fiscal year 2018 budget will come from state appropriations and other sources. State revenues are up about $7,000, Norrell said.
The fiscal year for Clarendon ISD begins on October 1. Public tax and budget hearings will be held August 28 prior to trustees voting on the measures.
In other CISD business, trustees met in regular session August 14 and accepted a bid from Gandy’s Dairies for the milk for the cafeteria as presented. Proposals were also accepted from Apple for computers and accessories for the Elementary Computer Lab to be expensed out of the 2017-2018 budget and from CDWG for Chromebooks and licenses to be expensed out of the 2017-2018 budget.
Two bids were accepted on tax delinquent properties Clark and Belinda Teague for lots in Howardwick.
The board also met in closed session for 17 minutes to discuss personnel, but no action was taken when the board reconvened in open session.
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