If you’ve skipped paying that speeding ticket that you stuffed in your glove box, you could soon find yourself wearing a pair of handcuffs when the Texas Warrant Round-Up begins Saturday, February 25.
Donley County Justices of the Peace and more than 200 other jurisdictions and law enforcement agencies across the state will be participating in the round-up, and officials say it’s best to pay your fine now before it starts.
Local justice courts handed numerous open cases over to a collection agency in Amarillo, which has sent letters out to those individuals.
The courts have already put a hold on the driver’s licenses of the offenders in question, and for those who don’t pay up, warrants will be issued and the offenders will be arrested.
Justice Denise Bertrand said Donley County has had good results from participating in the Texas Warrant Round-Up in years past.
“It has been successful in the past,” Bertrand said. “I consider it a success when they pay their fine, and we don’t have to put out a warrant or put them in jail.”
As collection agents’ letters show up in mailboxes and word gets out about the round-up, local courts are already seeing an influx of people paying their fines.
If someone is unable to pay their fine, officials still say it’s better to contact their offices before warrants go out Saturday.
“Community service is an option if they can prove they can’t pay their fine,” Bertrand said.
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