Veterans who have served America’s armed forces will be honored next Tuesday, November 10, and Wednesday, November 11, during several local activities in connection with Veterans Day.
Clarendon Elementary students will hold a special music program at 12:15 p.m. next Tuesday, November 10, in the Bronco Gym.
A veterans service will also be held Tuesday night at the Clarendon College Harned Sisters Fine Arts Center beginning at 7:00. Donley County Judge and US Navy Capt. John Howard will be the speaker for the evening.
The Adamson-Lane Post 287 of the American Legion at Hedley, will have its annual Veterans Day Service on Wednesday, November 11, at 10 a.m. at Rowe Cemetery west of Hedley with Jack Moreman speaking. The ceremony will take place at the American Legion Veterans Memorial located at the north gate of the cemetery, where more than 230 veterans are buried.
The Post will place American flags on each veteran’s grave to honor each and every veteran prior to the service.
The program will be a patriotic event to honor all veterans, living or deceased. There will be a special event to honor those that are still prisoners of war, still interned in a foreign country, or those that are still declared missing in action. The public is invited to attend this special event.
In the event of adverse weather, the ceremony will move to the Hedley Lions Club building on Main Street in Hedley.
Following the Legion service, Hedley Public School will also recognize veterans at the school.
Also on Wednesday, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Donley County Memorial Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will hold a service at 11 a.m. at the Donley County War Memorial on the Courthouse Square. The service will include a small presentation by the Auxiliary and will be followed by free sodas, chips, and chili dogs. The service will move to the VFW Hall in case of bad weather.
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