Clarendon city officials are still considering a downtown revitalization grant following a public hearing last Thursday, June 11.
The grant through the Texas Capital Fund would be for up to $150,000 for sidewalk, lighting, and accessibility improvements on Kearney Street. The city would have to pay a 20 percent match plus cover any costs beyond $150,000 if the project exceeded that amount.
Clarendon applied for this same grant unsuccessfully two years ago.
During last week’s hearing, comments of both concern and support were made about the possible grant application.
Clarendon Economic Development Board member and former local businessman Bill Stavenhagen raised concerns about spending a lot of money downtown “if you only have two businesses” there, and Mayor Larry Hicks pointed out there are more businesses than that on the city’s main street.
Stavenhagen also said that he did not want his remarks to indicate that he was necessarily against the grant application but said local merchants face stiff competition from the Internet.
Former city alderman Mac Stavenhagen asked questions about the match for the grant and about what economic impact it would have.
Former EDC director and former alderman Bob Watson spoke in favor of the grant application. “We need Clarendon to be the type of city that people want to come to,” Watson said. “I think this is a first step.”
CEDC Interim Director Jack King also spoke in favor of the grant application.
Alderman Doug Kidd said it is important for the city to get input.
“We need everybody’s opinion – negative or positive,” Kidd said. “We need to hear it all.”
The city has until October to submit the application if it chooses to go forward. Last week’s public hearing was a necessary first step in getting ready for an application, and city aldermen will likely be asked to consider approving resolutions associated with a grant application.
City Administrator David Dockery said Tuesday that City Hall is continuing to explore the opportunities presented by the grant but no commitment has been made to pursue the grant at this time.
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