Booth space reservations and car show entries are now being taken for the third annual Mulkey Block Party scheduled for Memorial Day weekend on Saturday, May 23.
This year’s Herring Bank Car Show has been expanded to include motorcycles, and entry fees are $20 per vehicle. Entry forms are available online here and at the Clarendon Visitor Center.
Booth space for activities, food, or vendors is $50 each on a first come, first served basis. Forms for booth spaces are also available online here or at the Visitor Center.
“Insufficient Funds” will be back on stage to entertain for the evening. Steve Hall and Jesse Lincycomb, both of Howardwick, will provide the opening musical entertainment starting about 6 p.m., and a live auction benefiting the Mulkey Theatre Project will also be held.
Entertainment activities for kids are being lined up as well, including showing cartoons in the Mulkey.
For more information on the third annual Mulkey Block Party, to rent booth space, or to sign on as a sponsor, contact the Clarendon Visitor Center at 806-874-2421.
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