Donley County voters will head to the polls next Tuesday, March 5, to cast ballots in the Republican and Democratic primaries.
Early voting continues this week through Friday, March 1, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the Courthouse Annex. Early turnout was just “fair to middling,” according to the Clerk’s office with just 202 voters casting early ballots as of 3:00 p.m. Tuesday. Extended hours for early voting have not proved to be very popular in Donley County with only ten people voting on Saturday and less than that on Sunday.
Election Day voting will be held for Republicans at the Donley County Courthouse for precincts 101, 201, 301, and 401 and at the First Baptist Church in Hedley for precinct 303
Democratic polling will be held on Election Day at the Courthouse Annex for precincts 101, 201, 301, and 401 and at the Hedley Lions Den for precinct 303.
Republican voters have several local races to decide. State Rep. Ken King is being challenged by Karen Post. In Precinct 1, Commissioner Mark White is being challenged by Del Essary; and in Precinct 3, Commissioner Neil Koetting is facing challenges from Sis Bond and Greg Wootten.
Local candidates running unopposed on the Republican ticket are US Rep. Ronny Jackson, District Judge Dale Rabe, Jr., District Attorney Luke Inman, County Attorney Landon Lambert, Sheriff Butch Blackburn, and County Tax Assessor/Collector Kristy Christopher. Bill Word is also unopposed for the county GOP chairman’s position.
Republicans also have 13 non-binding ballot propositions to consider.
There are no local races on the Democratic ticket this year.
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