Cowboys from Wilson Cattle made a four-peat performance as they took top honors for the fourth year in a row during the Clarendon Outdoor Entertainment Association’s annual Ranch Rodeo last Friday and Saturday.
Wilson Cattle’s scores beat out 29 other local and regional teams as working cowboys put their skills to the test as part of the 137th annual Saints’ Roost Celebration. The team was made up of Rody Wilson, Tyler Rice, Jody Satterfield, Jason Thomas, and Jesse Valdez.
The Crutch Ranch team finished second with Cody Heck, Jarryd Burris, Hegen Lamb, and Chad Smith, and the Huddleston Ranch was third this year with the team of Willie McClesky, Colby McClesky, Clayton McClesky, Heath McClesky, and Casey McClesky.

The Top Hand for the rodeo was awarded to Brady Clark, and the Top Horse award was won by Chance McAnear.
This year’s attendance for the two-day ranch rodeo was 1,436 and Thursday’s junior rodeo was 369.
The Junior Ranch Rodeo was won by Rockin’ JM with the team of Casey McClesky, Cooper McClesky, Trey Mitchell, Sterlin Mitchell, and Brianna McCleskey. The second place team was Bar H Ranch with the team of Brody Rankin, True Lacina, Quade Hiatt, Cutter McLain, and Garrett Fry. Wild Bunch was third in the junior rodeo with a team of Kade McClesky, Casey McClesky, Ryan McClesky, Brianna McClesky, Kayla McClesky.
Top Hand winner for the Junior Ranch Rodeo was Brody Rankin, and Casey McClesky rode the Top Horse.
Junior Calf, Donkey, and Steer Riding and Mutton Bustin’ were held all three nights. Overall Mutton Bustin’ champion for the three nights was Cooper Oles. Overall Calf Riding Champion was Cutter Seay, the Overall Donkey Rider was Reatta McLean, and Steer Riding champion was Jake Baca.
Nightly winners of the junior events were as follows:
July 3 – Calf Scramble – Cooper McClesky, Alice McAnear, and Ashley Yankee; Mutton Bustin’ – Heston Seay; Calf Riding – Cutter Seay; Donley Riding – Jake Baca; and Steer Riding – Jake Baca.
July 4 – Calf Scramble – Jade Benson, Tierra McKorkle, and Bogan Rankin; Mutton Bustin’ – Cooper Oles; Calf Riding – Eli Ritchie; Donkey Riding – Reatta McLean; and Steer Riding – Colby Pope.
July 5 – Calf Scramble – Jade Benson, Jackson Ramen, and Cooper McClesky; Mutton Bustin’ – Madeline Benson; Calf Riding – Cutter Seay; Donkey Riding – Bodee Bowman; and Steer Riding – Jake Baca.
Beef winners this year were Jake Craft, Shelley Baldridge, and Tylena Horton.
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