AEP Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) is asking its customers to avoid using unnecessary lighting or electric appliances – and to limit use of air conditioning today.
The request is being made because of extremely high temperatures throughout the region, increased demand for electricity and problems with power plants and the electric system.
“At this point, we anticipate being able to meet the demand. However, the availability of power from our generating units or from other utilities, as well as other electric system conditions, could change in these extreme weather conditions, so we are asking for our customers’ cooperation,” said Venita McCellon-Allen, SWEPCO president and chief operating officer. “We know that cutting back on electrical use, especially air conditioning, can be inconvenient and uncomfortable. But when everyone does something to help out, our combined efforts can help reduce overall demand for electricity and ease this emergency situation.”
SWEPCO is reducing power to certain industrial customers whose agreements with the utility allow curtailments. The company has already reduced power use at its own facilities. If the situation worsens and demand is about to exceed the available supply of power on its lines, SWEPCO is prepared to implement its emergency load reduction plan. This procedure temporarily interrupts power to parts of the company’s service area to avoid a major “blackout.” SWEPCO would rotate the areas affected by the “controlled outages” so customers are not without service for more than two hours whenever possible. The temporary outages should not affect critical public health and public safety facilities.
“Your assistance by voluntarily reducing your use of electricity – especially during the peak hours between 1:00 and 7:00 p.m. — should allow SWEPCO to continue to provide uninterrupted service to its customers,” said McCellon-Allen.
Here are some actions that customers can take to help ease the emergency situation:
• Set your thermostat at 80 degrees and make similar adjustments to window units
• Use portable or ceiling fans to circulate air and reduce the amount of air conditioning needed
• Turn off unnecessary lights
• Use washers, dryers and ovens later in the day so the heat and humidity they create will put less strain on your air conditioning.
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