For the second year in a row, The Clarendon Enterprise was recognized as the best small paper in the state by the Texas Press Association Saturday, June 3, during the TPA Summer Convention in Round Rock.
The Enterprise earned the Sweepstakes Award in Division 10 of the 2022 Better Newspaper Contest, winning four first place plaques and placing in ten other categories to gather enough points to win the overall division.
“We are honored to be recognized again by our peers for the work we put into our newspaper and are proud to bring this recognition to our community,” publisher Roger Estlack said. “This is truly a group effort, and we are very blessed to have a super talented team and equally fortunate to have great support from our readers and advertisers.”
The Enterprise won first place in the Weekly Division for Best Website in a competition that differed from the other contest categories.
“In most other categories, we compete against newspapers of similar size and circulation,” Estlack said, “but the Best Website award is among all weeklies in the contest. That includes newspaper websites that are covering bigger communities and with more resources than what we have.”
ClarendonLive.com is managed and updated by Roger and Ben Estlack.
The Enterprise also placed second among all weeklies in the category of Best Online Live Coverage for its coverage of the Broncos second trip to the state basketball tournament last year with Ashlee Estlack heading up the livestream of those events.
The Enterprise received fourth place among all weeklies for its coverage highlighting information in Public Notices last fall.
In Division 10, the sports photos by Elaina Estlack won first place, Editorials by Roger Estlack on city progress and the state of the newspaper business won first place, and the Enterprise was also first in General Excellence.
The Enterprise received second place honors for Feature Photos by Elaina and Roger Estlack, News Photos by Roger Estlack and Page Design by Tara Allred and Roger Estlack.
Columns by Ben and Roger Estlack placed third in the division as did the Enterprise’s New Writing and Feature Writing entries.
Sports Coverage by Sandy Anderberg was fourth, and Enterprise Headlines also finished fourth.
The Enterprise was first in the Sweepstakes count among weeklies of similar circulation with 725 points followed by the Caprock Courier and the Archer County News with 400 points each, and the Flatonia Argus with 350 points. The Enterprise placed in 14 out of 18 categories.
Ninety-nine newspapers submitted 920 entries in the contest. Fifty-three weekly newspapers competed in Divisions Six through Ten. Entries were judged by the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association.
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