Many departments joined together March 10 to fight a fire that threatened property southwest of Greenbelt Lake.
The fire was reported at 7:09 p.m., and the Clarendon Volunteer Fire Department responded and immediately called for mutual aid from Howardwick and Hedley, according to a report from First Assistant Chief Jeremy Powell.
Soon after that, mutual aid was also summoned from Memphis, Groom, and Claude fire departments as well as the Texas Forest Service.
The fire, which is thought to have been ignited by a tree blowing into a power line, stared near the Greenbelt Lake road that leads to the bluffs and swiftly traveled south/southwest.
Powell reported that combined efforts of the Clarendon firemen and Donley County motor graders halted the rapidly advancing head of fire from crossing County Road N and County Road 9. When mutual aid units arrived, efforts were focused on extinguishing the right and then the left flanks of the fire.
The fire was contained by 10:30 p.m. Tuesday and then under control by 1:30 a.m. Wednesday. The fire burned 225.68 acres and stretched 1.6 miles long.
No injuries were reported resulting from the fire, and no structures were damaged, although several were threatened, such as the Bar H Dude Ranch.
Powell also reported that damage to landowners’ fences was kept to a minimum and that no livestock were harmed.
There were 20 units and 49 firemen involved in the extinguishing of this fire, as well as additional help from the Texas Forest Service, Donley County, the Associated Ambulance Authority, Donley County Sheriff’s Office, and Texas Department of Public Safety.
Powell said local firemen greatly appreciate the departments and individuals who devoted their time and efforts to help with this fire.
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