The teen curfew that has been in action since June is going “so far, just great,” according to Donley County Sheriff Butch Blackburn.
No citations have been issued since the curfew has been in effect, but several warnings have been given. Many problems that existed before the curfew have been cut down, and enforcing teens to follow the curfew hasn’t caused any trouble.
“We’ve gotten some negative comments concerning the curfew, but I’d say about 90 percent of the comments that we get are positive,” said Blackburn when asked about the city’s reaction to the curfew.
Clarendon High School Student Council President Audrey Jones said she believes the curfew has been good.
“I think the curfew keeps some kids from getting into trouble,” Jones said.
Not everyone agrees with this curfew though. Many teens disagree with it, such as CHS sophomore Bradley Watson.
“I don’t really like it because we have to be in at a certain time. We’re being punished for the mistakes that other kids have made,” Watson said. “I think the cops should patrol and do their job instead of everybody having to be in at a certain time. Our parents should decide what time we need to be in.”
If a citation is issued, depending on the age of the minor the consequence will be as follows; ages 14 or above the teen will have to see the city judge and pay a fine; if under the age of 14, the parents of the offender will suffer the consequences of a fine.
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