Top honors went to the JL Wagon from Abilene during the twelfth annual Col. Charles Goodnight Chuckwagon Cookoff last Saturday.
Under the direction of Johnny and Leonna Adkins, the JL Wagon won the Overall Cooking award after placing in three out of four food categories and had enough points to win the entire cookoff outright.
The cookoff, which benefits the Saints’ Roost Museum, was hailed as a great success by museum board members.
Tickets for the authentic Chuckwagon supper sold out early; and just as happened the last four years, extra tickets were prepared and divided among the wagons along with additional food to meet the high demand.
An official estimate of attendance was not available, but more than 1,000 people typically attend the event. A total of 569 people went through the lines to enjoy the Chuckwagon meal, which was served at 1 p.m. instead of the traditional 5 p.m.
Breakfast and lunch concessions on the museum grounds were provided by Boy Scout Troop 433. A trade show was held throughout the day, and live entertainment was provided by local and area talent.
Museum tours were provided by the members of Clarendon High School’s Junior Historians chapter.
Relatives of legendary cattleman and Chuckwagon inventor Charles Goodnight also were on hand for their annual family reunion.
For the prologue to the twelfth cookoff, 149 people enjoyed a delicious steak dinner Friday night on the museum grounds. The invitation-only event was held exclusively for Chuckwagon team members and members of the museum and their families.
Twelve wagons competed in this year’s cookoff, and each served a menu of chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, biscuits, beans, and cobbler. Prizes totaling more than $3,000 were paid out to the winners.
Complete results are as follows:
Overall Wagon & Cooking: 1) JL Wagon of Abilene, 2) Rocking K Chuckwagon of Southland, 3) J Bar D / Adamah Wagon of Amarillo, and 4) C Bar C Ranch of Hartley.
Overall Cooking: 1) JL Wagon, 2) C Bar C, 3) T Half Circle Wagon of Silverton, and 4) Rocking K.
Best Wagon Camp: 1) Quarter Circle KC, 2) Break-Away Wagon of Stamford, 3) J Bar D / Adamah, and 4) Rocking K.
Best Meat: 1) T Half Circle, 2) McFall Wagon of Pampa, 3) Rocking K, and 4) Rising W Chuckwagon of Happy.
Best Beans: 1) C Bar C, 2) JL Wagon, 3) Gayland Ward of Dawn, and 4) Rising W.
Best Dessert: 1) C Bar C, 2) T Half Circle, 3) J Bar D, and 4) C Bar C.
Best Bread: 1) Gayland Ward, 2) JL Wagon, 3) CW Chuckwagon, and 4) Rising W.
Best Potatoes: 1) JL Wagon, 2) Break-Away, 3) Rocking K, and 4) CW Chuckwagon.
Wagon Judges this year were Aaron Younger, Bob Sparks, and Nancy Sparks. Food Judges under the direction of Tashia Duncan were Melinda McAnear, Virginia Patten, Barbara Richter, Becky Lane, Terri Floyd, Lance Wood, Mark C. White, Landon Lambert, Tony Starnes, and Tom Garmon.
Among the other winners during Saturday’s activities was Jim Kingston of Amarillo, who won a pair of James Owens handmade boots.
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