The Donley County Hospital Board voted in favor last week of raising the district’s ad valorem tax rate, which has remained unchanged since 1998.
The higher tax rate is expected to generate approximately $13,000 in extra revenue to help it meet its financial obligations and keep the Medical Center Nursing Home open.
“I don’t like the idea of a tax increase any more than anyone else,” said board member Don Thornberry. “When we voted [in 1998] to keep or sell the nursing home, it was pretty overwhelming to keep it. Now we have to have some help to do that.”
The new rate of $0.1946 is the maximum allowable without triggering a potential rollback petition. The hospital district has been operating with a tax rate of $0.18022 for the last seven years.
Board president Alan Fletcher said the options were limited.
“I don’t think we have any other choice,” he said. “We have to raise taxes or close. If the community wants a nursing home, we have to do this.”
Board member Onita Thomas agreed and said she hoped people would realize that the cost of operating the home has increased.
“Our expenses are just like yours,” she said, “and we have not raised taxes for seven years.”
The higher rate would raise the tax on a $75,000 home by $10.79.
In other business, the board also approved proposed budgets for the district, the nursing home, and the Associated Ambulance Authority as presented. Budget amendments were also approved.
The board discussed lease agreements relating to the Community Services Building and voted to accept a lease renewal proposal from the Department of State Health Services. The board also voted to no longer employ janitorial services for the Community Service Building and to let the tenants negotiate independently for housekeeping services.
Steve Hall and Bob Watson addressed the board concerning transferring the tax abatement for the Best Western American Inn from 786, Inc., to the Clarendon Hotel Corporation. The transfer was approved 6-1 with Fletcher being opposed.
Holly Eads presented an order from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission governing records management. The board approved a motion bringing the district into compliance with the order.
Administrator In-Training Vicky Robertson gave the nursing home’s census as 52 residents with one in the hospital. She also presented revised policies governing vacation, continuing education, and sick leave, which were approved.
The board also considered and approved a revised organizational chart for the nursing home to put the maintenance supervisor under the direction of the administrator.
Ambulance director Anita Aaron said the Associated Ambulance Authority responded to 53 calls in June and had responded to 49 calls in July as of the 19th.
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