By Cheryl Johnson & Roger Estlack, Clarendon Enterprise
Although City Park seemed crowded last Saturday, indications are that participation was down again for the 127th anniversary Saints’ Roost Celebration.
Early morning thunderstorms gave way to sunshine just before the celebration began, and folks enjoyed the cool weather that the rains brought.
The Kids’ Parade got things started on Saturday with 13 entries, down from 47 entries last year. Division winners were Bradalyn Ellis, Hannah Flowers, and Shaydee Brown.
The annual Western Parade had 35 entries in four divisions this year which is down from last year’s 61 entries. The Chamber of Commerce reports that Greenbelt Electric float won first place in the float division. The Clarendon High School Cheerleaders float placed second. In the Riding division, Logan Lorenzo won first place while the Shriner’s Muleskinners placed second.
In the Antique Vehicles division of the parade, Henry Like won first, and Wondell Luttrell placed second. The Clarendon Firebelles won first place in the Miscellaneous division, and the Sandell Drive-In placed second.
Judges for the parade were Hedley residents Colleen O’Connor, Betty Morgan, and LaRae Shaw.
The Al Morrah Shrine Club served 794 plates of barbecue this year. In 2004, the Shriners served a little over 800 plates of barbecue, and they served over 1,000 in 2003.
Funds from the annual barbecue are used in conjunction with the Khiva Temple of the Shrine in Amarillo to help pay for transportation of kids to the Shriners’ burns and crippled children’s hospitals. A local Shrine Club official reported that they lost money on this year’s barbecue.
The Old Settlers Reunion was held at the City Park directly following the parade. Muzzy Hayes Duffy traveled the greatest distance, 700 miles, to be there. Viola Barker Graham and George Shields were the oldest man and woman present. Viola Barker Graham was recognized as the person who has lived in Donley County the longest – 88 years.
There were two winners of the Lions Club Cow Patty Bingo – Helen Estlack and Thelma Shields.
At the annual Henson’s Turtle Race, 181 turtles competed, which was down slightly from last year’s 187 turtles. Jordan Evans won the 0-4 age division. Shayna Smith won first place in the 5-8 division. Adam Topper won the 9-14 age division.
Denise Bertrand was the lucky winner of the Las Vegas trip given away by the Clarendon Chamber of Commerce during Monday night’s rodeo performance.
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