AUSTIN – Texas Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn said last Friday that state sales tax revenue totaled $1.34 billion in April and said local governments will receive $455.7 million in May sales tax allocations, up 8.4 percent compared to May 2004.
Locally, the City of Clarendon collected a sales tax rebate of $27,978.73, a total 15.71 percent higher than the same period one year ago. Clarendon is now 4.07 percent ahead for sales tax rebates for the year to date.
Hedley and Howardwick both remain behind for the year and were both down again this month. Hedley’s rebate fell 3.56 percent to $522.16; and Howardwick dropped 1.66 percent to $803.04.
Statewide, Comptroller Strayhorn sent May sales tax allocations of $312.4 million to Texas cities, up 8.6 percent compared to May 2004. Calendar year-to-date, city sales tax allocations are up 7.3 percent compared to the same period last year.
May’s sales tax allocations to local governments represent March sales that were reported to the Comptroller in April by monthly tax filers, and January, February and March sales reported to the Comptroller in April by quarterly tax filers.
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