Donley County is looking for a new treasurer after commissioners accepted the resignation of Rebecca Jackson during their regular session Monday.
County Judge Jack Hall said Jackson was taking a position as a top accountant for Cactus Feeders in Canyon.
“She’s leaving for three main reasons,” Hall said. “She doubles her salary, gets full health insurance for her and her husband, and in six years will be vested in their retirement plan.”
The county began advertising this week for applicants to be considered for the remainder of Jackson’s term, which expires in 2006. Hall said the treasurer’s job is a big one and one that Jackson did well.
“Becky Jackson is a very competent person, and she has done an excellent job as treasurer of Donley County.”
Jackson was appointed in 1997 after the resignation of Wanda Smith. She was elected to a full term in 1998 and reelected in 2002. Her resignation becomes effective February 25.
Hall said the commissioners’ court hopes to make an appointment during a called session on March 1.
Jackson could not be reached for comment Tuesday morning.
In other county business, commissioners heard from Martin Smith of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) regarding plans to replace the bridge over Buck Creek on County Road 28 in two years. Donley County will provide a ten percent in-kind match for the project.
Commissioners also heard from Sandra Hatcher of TxDOT, who discussed the state’s plans to replace the Hwy. 70 bridge over the Salt Fork of Red River below the Greenbelt Dam some time in the next three years. The bridge will be widened and the curves approaching the bridge will be straightened, Hall said. The county will offer assistance in acquiring easements.
The court approved the audit for the fiscal year 2003-2004 as presented by Gordon Maddox.
Sheriff Butch Blackburn reported on a movement in Austin to require county jails to have to persons on duty at all times.
The Donley County Jail just keeps one person on staff, and the sheriff will go to Austin to try to keep it that way.
Commissioners approved Justice Ann Kennedy’s request to install an AMA•TechTel wireless Internet connection in her office and also approved Justice Jimmy Johnson’s request to purchase a new photocopier.
The court considered and approved plans to install a sidewalk from the Courthouse to the Jail and to install up lighting for the north and east faces of the Courthouse.
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