The Board of Aldermen ordered a house in southwest Clarendon to be demolished last week after the owner failed to comply with directives to clean up the property.
During a public hearing before last Tuesday’s board meeting, City Administrator Sean Pate said Fire Marshall Kelly Hill had declared the house at 820 S. Allen Street to be a fire hazard and a dangerous structure. The property owner had been given written notice to repair the structure but had failed to act.
The board voted unanimously to demolish the house.
In other city business, the board approved a lease agreement with Centramedia Online Services for space on the city’s radio tower. The company plans to offer high-speed wireless Internet to local residents and businesses.
Aldermen reviewed the proposed contract with the Donley Appraisal District for property appraisals and collection of taxes.
Alderman Michael Tibbets reiterated his position that the appraisal district is an example of taxation without representation since only the school district and the county have enough weighted votes to have representatives on the appraisal district board.
Alderman Bobbie Kidd said he thought the state legislature would correct that problem in the next session.
Alderman Janice Knorpp said she thought the district should do a better job of collecting back taxes.
Tibbets did not feel like the contract should be approved.
“I think we should find one other entity and go together and not sign this,” he said.
The board tabled the contract.
Aldermen approved a resolution authorizing the submission of a regional solid waste grant application to purchase a new forklift for the recycling center.
George Howard, whose west Clarendon residence burned earlier this year, addressed the board concerning his desire to have a travel trailer enclosed by wood on his property for living purposes.
The zoning ordinance for the property prohibits trailer houses. This was not an agenda item, and no action was taken.
Carl Draper addressed the board concerning alcoholic beverages being sold in the city limits at the VFW Hall. This was not an agenda item, and no action was taken.
City Administrator Sean Pate reported that the city employees are greatly appreciative of the new pickups the board approved purchasing. He said the City Superintendent reported that these are the first brand new trucks the city has purchased since 1984.
The sticker price for the trucks was $22,900 each, but the city got them for $13,000 each through a state buyboard system.
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