Tickets are on sale now for the seventh annual Col. Charles Goodnight Chuckwagon Cookoff to be held next Saturday, September 28, at the Saints’ Roost Museum.
Museum officials say 14 wagons are signed up to compete for top prizes, and the day will provide great family entertainment for all ages.
The gate opens at 7:30 a.m. with breakfast and lunch concessions provided by the Clarendon Chamber of Commerce. The tradeshow starts at 10 a.m., and museum tours will be available throughout the day.
Patrick Robertson and KEFH-FM will provide music beginning at 11 a.m. Live entertainment begins at 2 p.m., and performances are scheduled all day and include Dan Hall of Clarendon, Thut Creek and Cozy Parsons of the Red River Steakhouse in McLean, Oscar Auker of Clarendon, the Saints’ Roost Band, Christine Walls of Quitaque, Gary Alan Bruce of Pampa, and Buddy Payne of McLean.
The Chuckwagon meal will be served at 5 p.m. with a menu of chicken fried steak, potatoes, beans, and cobbler.
At 6:30, the museum will raffle off a pair of James Owens Handmade Boots, and the cookoff awards will be presented at 6:45.
The Clarendon College Theatre Department will present, “The Rat Catcher’s Daughter or Death Valley Daze,” at 7 p.m.
Admission to the all-day event is free. Tickets for the authentic Chuckwagon supper are $10 each and can be purchased in advance at Henson’s in Clarendon by calling 806/874-3517. Boot tickets are also available at Henson’s or from any museum board member.
On Sunday morning, cowboy church will be held under the tent at the museum with preaching by Shannon Hall of Loco, Okla.
All proceeds will benefit the Saints’ Roost Museum’s continuing efforts to preserve the history of Donley County for future generations. The museum is housed in the former Adair Hospital just off State Hwy. 70 South.
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