Of seven local governments set to hold elections this year, the City of Howardwick was the only one to have a contested race as of Tuesday morning.
With only one day left to sign up, the remaining six governments were reporting very little interest from local citizens.
Filing for candidacy closed Wednesday, March 20.
In Howardwick, four people had thrown their hats into the ring to run for three positions on the Board of Aldermen. Sam Grider, Donald Holladay, Bobby Murdock, and incumbent Vernon Byars had filed to run.
The three vacant positions on the Clarendon Board of Aldermen have drawn two candidates – Tommy Hill and incumbent Mac Stavenhagen.
In the City of Hedley, incumbent Mayor Janie Hill and incumbent Aldermen James Lee Potts and Leon Ward had signed up for re-election but had drawn no opponents.
Incumbent board members at the Donley County Hospital District had signed up for re-election. The candidates are as follows: Place 4, Jerry May; Place 5, Carolyn Moffett; Place 6, Onita Thomas; and Place 7, Jim Douglas.
Clarendon Consolidated Independent School District had two trustees running for re-election this year. Weldon Sears and Lance Thornberry are unopposed.
The Clarendon College District had one person signed up for one of three open seats on the Board of Regents. Mary Douglas in the only candidate so far.
Incumbents Rhonda Shaw and Anthony Knowles were the sole candidates for two trustee positions in the Hedley Consolidated Independent School District.
A filing listing of candidates will appear on our website www. ClarendonOnline.com later this week and will also be included in next week’s Enterprise.
Election day is set for Saturday, May 4, 2002.
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