Republican and Democratic voters will head to the polls in primary elections next Tuesday, March 1, to select their parties’ candidates for the general election this fall.
Early voting continues through this Friday, February 25, at the Donley County Courthouse Annex.
Voting on election day will run from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. with balloting in the following locations by party:
Democrats – Precinct 303 will vote at the Hedley Lions Club, and all other county Democrats will vote at the Courthouse Annex.
Republicans – Precinct 303 will vote at the Hedley Baptist Church, and all other county Republicans will vote in the Commissioners’ Courtroom in the Donley County Courthouse. Due to ongoing repairs, those voting at the Courthouse must enter from the back door of the building on the Jefferson Street side of the square.
Voting registration cards have not gone out. If you have any question about which precinct you are in, contact either the Clerk’s Office at 806-874-3436 or the Tax Assessor’s office at 806-874-2193. All voters should bring a driver’s license or some form of ID with them.
The only locally contested races this year are on the Republican ballot. Running to be Justice of the Peace of Precincts 1 & 2 are Sarah Hatley, Connie Lane, and Kristen Taylor. Ashley Savage’s name is also on the ballot, but she told the Enterprise on February 1 that she had withdrawn as a candidate although the deadline to do so had already passed.
The other local competitive race on this year’s Republican ballot will be Precinct 4 Commissioner Dan Sawyer, who is being challenged by Brad Dalton.
Other local positions are uncontested, and those candidates are Judge John Howard, Treasurer Wanda Smith, Clerk Vicky Tunnell, Precinct 2 Commissioner Daniel Ford, and Precinct 3 & 4 Justice of the Peace Pat White.
Former Donley County deputy Randy Bond is also running for Constable of Precincts 3&4, a position that is currently vacant.
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