A four-way race has emerged for one Donley County office and one candidate has filed for another office that is currently vacant.
The filing period for a place on the Democratic and Republican primary ballots closed Monday, December 13, and all local candidates filed as Republicans, according to the Donley County Clerk’s office.
Sarah Hatley, Connie Lane, Ashley Savage, and Kristen Taylor all filed to run for the Justice of the Peace of Precincts 1 and 2. Incumbent JP Pam Mason, whose term should have expired at the end of December 2022, has resigned her position effective January 1, 2022.
Former Donley County chief deputy Randy Bond filed to run for Constable of Precincts 3&4, a position that is currently vacant.
The following incumbents also filed for re-election as Republicans: Judge John Howard, Treasurer Wanda Smith, Clerk Vicky Tunnell, Precinct 4 Commissioner Dan Sawyer, Precinct 2 Commissioner Daniel Ford, and Precinct 3 & 4 Justice of the Peace Pat White.
The Republican primary will be held March 1, 2022.
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