The Clarendon College Rodeo Team travelled to Big Spring over the weekend to compete in the Howard College rodeo and came away as the second place team but maintained their first place ranking in the regional standings.

Clarendon also had the bareback champion, Cole Franks, and the All-Around champion, Weston Patterson.
In the bareback riding, Weston Patterson won the long round with an 81-point ride but only scored 63 points in the short round to finish tied for fifth in the average.
Cole Franks was second in the long round with a 79-point ride and an 85-point ride in the short round to finish first in the average to win the event championship.
CC had four saddle bronc riders qualify for the short round with Keene Justesen making a 72-point ride in the long go and 69 points in the short round to finish in fifth place. Trey Elshere was 79 points for 6th place the long round but bucked off in the short round, while Weston Patterson rode for 80 points in the long go and tied for third place but failed to get a score in the short round.

Cash Wilson won the long round with an 83-point ride and was 74 points in the short round to finish second in the average.
Team ropers Kreese Milligan and Dawson Reedy placed fifth in the long round with time of 6.5 seconds but missed their steer in the short round.
CC will travel to Snyder this week for the Western Texas College rodeo.
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