Hedley High School’s One Act Play, “Over The River and Through the Woods,” is advancing after the district competition last Thursday, March 4, in Groom.

Schools at the competition were Groom, Silverton, White Deer, and Hedley. Advancing schools were Hedley, Groom, and White Deer.
The advancing schools will compete in bi-district competition on Thursday, March 11, at Ft. Elliott High School. The Owls will take the stage at 10:00. Visitors will be allowed at Ft. Elliott; however, masks are required.
Earning recognition from Hedley were: Best Performer-Savannah Trent; Best Performer-Jordan Upton; All Star Cast- Leandra Mestas; All Star Cast-Joshua Booth; Honorable Mention All Star Cast-Elijah Booth; Over All Technical Crew- Esteban Carreon, Astin McAllister, Danika Middleton, and Liam Branigan; and Best Sound- Danika Middleton.
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