While driving through Clarendon on my way to grab a bite to eat downtown, I just happened to look over at City Hall only to be appalled at what appeared to be a very rude structure attached to the southeast corner of the building. I quickly doubled back and parked and walked up and looked at this new addition to the front of our used-to-be-decent looking City Hall.

At this point, I should explain that what I am looking at is a cover for a wheelchair lift that is supposed to be used to give handicapped persons access to the upper floor of City Hall in the event that a City Hall meeting overcrowds the downstairs meeting area they may access the larger rooms upstairs.
Over the past several years, the City of Clarendon has done a good job of maintaining City Hall. It’s had a nice coat of paint, and David Pitts and Jeannie Molder worked together to secure an energy grant which replaced the old windows in the upstairs and also put in central heat and air. City Hall downstairs has been remodeled and looks nice. All these things added to improving the looks of City Hall without taking away from her old beauty.
I encourage every taxpaying person in Clarendon to drive by and look at this eyesore that has attached itself to City Hall and tell me truthfully that it does completely take away from the look of the building. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not against making it possible for a person in a wheelchair to gain access to the upstairs, but I am strongly against a very old historic building (1918) being vandalized. There are ways to get things done and get them done economically, but this is not the way that this needs to be done.
Jeremy Powell
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