Clarendon College Regents enacted slight fee increases to keep up with higher costs of doing business when they met in regular session last Thursday.
CC President Myles Shelton said the hike of $4 per semester hour in the building use fee reflects new realities faced by the college.
“We’re going to experience new cost items related to buildings, so we’re raising this fee to meet those new expenses,” he said. “The new library will have 10,000 square feet of space to maintain and operate, and that is coming online in January.”
Shelton also noted that the price of utilities, particularly natural gas, is continuing to have an impact on the economy and on the college’s expenses.
The new fee brings the cost of a semester hour at CC to $55 for in-district (Donley County) students, $70 for out of district, and $85 for non-residents (out of state).
CC remains competitive with other area community colleges, Shelton said. Frank Phillips College in Borger currently charges $62 in-district, $79 out-of-district, and $86 for non-residents. South Plains College in Levelland charges $57 in-district, $71 out-of-district, and $87 for non-residents.
“When you look at the cost of attending a university – whether it’s West Texas A&M or Texas Tech – Clarendon College is still a bargain,” Shelton said. “It’s a great education at an affordable price.”
The Board of Regents also raised the price of board for students living on campus by $40 per semester, bringing the cost of a meal plan to $990. This change reflects an increased cost from CC’s contract with Great Western Dining, which operates the Dining Hall.
In other CC news, Regents canceled the election for the college district scheduled for May 15 since no candidates signed up to oppose the three incumbents whose terms were up this year. Ruth Robinson, Susie Shields, and Charles Deyhle, Sr., were all certified as the winners for their positions.
The board also approved a proposal to install a new voice mail system. The old system was struck by lightning several months ago, and insurance is covering the cost of replacement.
Regents authorized an agreement with a textbook company, which will provide CC with management software at no charge to manage its textbook inventories.
The board voted to renew for one year the administrative contracts of Dean of Instruction Tex Buckhaults, Dean of Students Joel Zehr, Dean of Pampa Center Joe Kyle Reeve, Comptroller Annette Ferguson, Library Director Jewell Houston, Director of Institutional Advancement Greg Henry, Assistant to the President Darlene Spier, Director of Admissions & Records Sharron Hannon, Financial Aid Coordinator Toni Bryant, Pampa Center Advisor & Recruiter Jennifer Moore, Information Systems & Computer Operations Director Will Thompson, and Assistant Librarian Annis Stavenhagen.
The president’s contract was also extended for one year, making its expiration date June 30, 2007.
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