Authorities are seeking the man whose likeness appears above in connection with three burglaries.
Donley County Sheriff’s Department is seeking your help in identifying the man whose picture appears with this article. The subject, a heavy set, light-complected, black man in his 50s, is wanted in connection with the burglaries of three rural homes in Donley County last Tuesday.
The Chad Hommel home, the Billy Jack Land farm home, and the Dawn Watson home were all burgled, and cash was taken.
An eyewitness saw the man in one of the homes, and his description matches that of a man who approached the Paul Bell home and claimed he was looking to buy hay. In every case, the homes appeared to be unoccupied by the lack of any cars being visible.
Sheriff Butch Blackburn said his office believes the subject is not from Clarendon but is from this area, possibly from Pampa. The sheriff also believes the subject was caught on videotape at a local convenience store, and still images are being taken from that film at press time.
Texas Ranger Gary Henderson assisted with the investigation and arranged for the artist to draw the depiction of the man based on the witness’ recollections.
If anyone has any information about this man’s identity or his whereabouts, please call the Donley County Sheriff’s Office at 806/874-3533.
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