With just a week to go in the sign-up period, most local governments were still looking for candidates for the May 5 election.
Clarendon Mayor Tex Selvidge and Alderman Bob Watson have filed for re-election, but at press time no one had signed up for the second vacant alderman’s position.
The City of Hedley has two incumbents – Abbey O’Neal and Bruce Howard – signed up for the Board of Aldermen, which has three positions up this year.
Howardwick has the mayor’s office and two positions on the Board of Aldermen open this election, but no one has yet signed up.
The Donley County Hospital District has three positions open this year on the Board of Directors. Last week, the Enterprise erred in reporting that no candidates had filed. In fact, incumbents Don Thornberry, Place One, and Andy Wheatley, Place Three, had signed up prior to that report. Since that time, incumbent Nelson Christie has signed up to run again and is facing a challenge from Alan Fletcher for the Place Two seat.
Updated trustee candidate lists from Hedley and Clarendon public schools were unavailable since both district offices were closed this week for Spring Break. Last week, CISD reported incumbents Joe Lemley and Wayne Hardin had signed up for re-election. HISD reported LeAnn Marcum was the only candidate last week for two positions on that board.
Citizens interested in running for these local positions have until 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 19, to sign up.
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