Editor’s Note: Mrs. Hankins fourth grade class at Clarendon Elementary recently wrote about the things they are thankful for this holiday season. The words of these children point out the things that are really important in life, some of which we too often take for granted.
I am thankful that I have a family because they take care of me. I am grateful for freedom because if we didn’t have freedom we would be living on the streets. But I’m most thankful for God; he was the one who created this world. I am grateful for him because he sent his only son to die for our sins. I’m grateful that I can walk because if I couldn’t walk I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere. I am thankful for the United States.
Stephino Harkness
I am very thankful for my house because I would have to stay in a car and my clothes because I freeze and all the truck drivers they help us get food around the world to other people my church I go to and freedom because we would be bound by other people water Go If we didn’t have God we would not be here at all he gave us water food and all sorts of other stuff very thankful for my teacher Mrs. Hankins this world the rain the thunder the lightening. Very thankful for my mom and my dad and Jesus thankful for animals and grass to feed the animals why because they help you my arms my legs the sun the moon a bed.
Michael Hall
I am thankful for my friends so I will know someone who likes me. I’m thankful for my family so I know I have someone who loves and cares for me. I’m thankful for my school so I have a place to make friends, have fun, and learn. I am thankful for my little brother so I can have someone to take care and teach more things to. I’m thankful for my food so I can grow up and be who I want to be. I am thankful for my teacher so I can have someone to help me in school and help get good grades. I’m grateful for my house so I have a place to live and stay at. I’m grateful for living in the USA to be free and to be away from slavery. I’m thankful for God because in his word he is our father and he created us. I’m thankful for machines so I can visit relatives far away and talk to them. I am thankful for sports so I can learn how to play them and play them with family and friends.
Dylan Wright
I am grateful for my parents because they provide food and shelter for me. I am thankful for every thing that the president is trying to do for the United States of America because of the terrorist attack. I am thankful for the churches all around the world because they let people learn a lot about Jesus and about what he did for us when he died. I am grateful for all of the hospitals in the world because their there for all of the hurt and injured people in the world. I am thankful for freedom that the president of the United States of America has given everyone and give us the rites to express our feelings and what we think, do, and say.
Brittany Sanchez
Today is November 6, 2001, and I telling you what I’m thankful for everything but this is only ¼ out of my thankness. I’m thankful for my friends they play, argue, fight, and sit with me. Next in second place comes my great and devoted country with great armies that will always win battles. A country that will always stick together like a family that gives me and my people the right to live free. And who comes in third the Lord himself who keeps me safe who watches me like I’m his son his only son. Fourth place goes to my family who celebrated when its my birthday. That takes care of me when I’m sick, got a fever. Fifth places goes to school the place I’m always happy at where I get my education. Sixth goes to shelter a place where I feel safe when I feel like nothings going to happen to me. Seventh goes to food these things that makes me say all this stuff that makes me move that feed me and that lets me live. Eighth goes to my world that I keep clean. It smiles each time I pick up some trash mow its hair trim its cheeks keeps its air clean. Ninth goes to trucks they deliver our food make my family money (my dad drives one) they make us all love them. Without them America would not be America. All of you please read this. Feel how I feel please!
Nick Tiedeman
I am thankful for being able to move around and do things by myself. If you couldn’t do those things it would be terrible. For an example who would get a glass of water for you when you’re alone or open a window? So that’s why I’m thankful for being able to move around. I am grateful for my family. If you didn’t have family who would be there to comfort you when you’re sad or unhappy? They make you feel proud of who you are. That’s why I’m thankful for my family. I also appreciate teachers. Who would teach interesting facts that will get a good job? I’m grateful for God. Without God where would we be today? God makes all living things. He made everything. Like the mountains, the rivers, the trees, the grass, the plants, etc. So that’s why I’m thankful for God.
Ty Tubbs
These are some things I’m thankful for and I couldn’t live without. I see on TV and even in real life people and kids who are disabled and who don’t have everything they need to live and I just want to cry. These are things I thank God for every chance I can.
One think I’m thankful for is to be able to talk, walk, and even to hear. I know somebody who has a son and he has some problems and he might not ever get to go to school and anything. Everytime I see him I really am thankful I’m a normal kid. One thing I also thank God for is my home sweet home. I read a book about a boy who lived in a park and didn’t have any food or nothing. It was a good book. I’m grateful to have a bed to sleep in and a roof over my head. I’m also glad I have different clothes I can wear each day. Some kids in other places have one pair of clothes they have to wear every single day. I also thank God for my friends and family. I would be nowhere without them. My family helps me through my problems and are always there for me, so do my friends. Another thing is freedom! I don’t know what I would do without freedom. Last but not least is God and Jesus! I wouldn’t even be here without those tow great, awesome, spectacular men. After all it did all start with them.
Lauren Shelton
I am thankful for our freedom and country and my family. I am grateful for my home I live in. I’m so thankful for my food I eat and my hair on my head my mom dad and my friends my ears that I hear out of and eyes that I see out of and my God to wash up and Jesus to praise and horses to ride and cows to rope.
Dalton Layton
The first I’m thankful for is God making us, if God never made we wouldn’t be here right now. The second thing I’m thankful for is our freedom if Thomas Jefferson and the other United States leaders didn’t sign the Declaration of Independence we wouldn’t get our freedom from the British. I’m also grateful for my dad fighting in World War 3. I’m grateful for my mom passing her citizens test she had to do a citizens test because she wasn’t’ born in this country. My mom lived in Laos. I’m grateful for the house I live in because it protects us from storms. I’m grateful for living in the United States because Laos had a war with Vietnam. I’m grateful for learning at school because than we wouldn’t know how to use letters and numbers. I’m grateful for the clothes I wear if we don’t have any clothes we would be cold. I’m thankful for the food I eat because we didn’t have any food we couldn’t survive. I’m thankful for the water I drink, water is more important than food and we need to depend more on water than food and that’s what I’m thankful for.
Tony Sisomsouk
I am thankful for my mom and dad because if I didn’t have parents I wouldn’t be in school. I would be dead because when I was a baby I would of starved. I am also thankful for my clothes so when it is cold I will be warm and when it’s hot I will have something to play in water with. I thankful for the town I live I because I wouldn’t have as great of people anywhere else. I am grateful for my house because without it I would be beat up from storms and dogs and cats. I am grateful that I can see, walk, and hear. If I couldn’t I would be bad paralyzed. I am thankful for my friends because I wouldn’t have any one to share things with. I am thankful for church because I wouldn’t know right from wrong. I am grateful for my food because without food I would starve to death. But most of all I am thankful for the Lord because without him I wouldn’t have all these things to be grateful for.
Mariah Benavidez
I am thankful for living in the USA and to be free. I am glad to be able to walk, talk, and move. I am glad to have a brother and sister to protect me. I am thankful for having clean clothes to wear. I am obliged to have a mom and dad to give me a home to live in close to where I am indebted to having a school to go to learn.
Jamie Murphy
I believe we should all be thankful for what God has given us and for all the things he had blessed our mighty nation with. Since September 11, our nation has made some enemies of other races. But since then we have come together as a nation and we will fight back against terrorism as President Bush has said for many times in the past two months. We all pretty much have the same blessings but there is one we’ve all had our mind on which is our freedom.. We all took our freedoms for granted such as our freedom of speech, our freedom of religion, our freedom to vote which some adults take for granted. This is something to think about if everyone voted for presidency the election would not have been so close and we might not have George W. Bush to guide us through this war of hatred in which we are caught up in. President Bush asked us to pray for this nation in which we live. Our founding fathers who established the constitution of the USA they knew that the freedoms of our country someday might be tried and we might lose them, but they never knew we would have George W. Bush to guide us. So I recommend that we all should think long and hard about of freedoms and rights that we have had since we won the Revolutionary War in which we won our precious, precious freedom which we take for granted even us kids. We never thought about our freedoms. I will think about mine, but will you think about yours? So let this be a reminder to all of us. Just think about our freedom. So let us preserve our freedom for the future generations like the class of 2010.
Nelson Devin
I am thankful for my parents because without them I would not be here today and some boys and girls don’t have moms and dads to kiss and hug and care for them. So I’m thankful that my parents give me kisses and hug and care for me. I am also grateful for having the beautiful sounds of earth like the songs of the bluejay, having wind chimes blowing in the wind, and all the other great sounds of earth. I appreciate seeing all the things and colors on earth. Being able to see is wonderful like at Halloween you get to see all the silly costumes and seeing the deep blue sea, sea gooles, and other sea creatures that there is. I’m obliged with being able to walk. Some people don’t have legs so they can’t walk or run, dancing so I’m grateful I can walk, run, and dance. I’m also thankful for my house. It may not be the biggest in the world but at least I got a roof over my head. Some people live on the streets and in a cardboard box. That’s why I’m thankful for my house. I’m grateful for my freedom. Some places your drove to believe in a god and don’t get to vote for who they wanted to be their leaders. I’m thankful for education. Without education you could not get a well paying job. I’m also grateful for church if we did not have a church we would not know who God is.
Erika Edwards
I can’t begin to tell you how thankful I am for the things I have but here is a little bit. A is for American and how happy I am to live in, a free country. B is for buddies. This world would be without friends. C is for critters. I love animals. D is dads who can teach you a boatload. E is for the easy life waiting just around the bin. F is for foul ups because nobody is perfect. G is for God’s love that is all always protecting us from danger. H is for home sweet home to go to when it rains. I is for island paradise for when we need a vacation. J is for my best friend Jordan. He’s a real friend. K is for Kansas the wheat state. L is for the Mothers love that makes me warm. M is for my mama that I love with all my heart. N is for nursing homes to take care of us when we get old. O is for opinions which should be heard out. P is for phone calls that we can make to our friends. Q is for quarter games tat let us have fun. R is for rollerblades that I love to skate with. S is for sorryness that we love to hear. T is for tennis that can let us taste sweet victory. U is for undo so we can fix our mistakes. V is for the velocity tat our energy has. W is for the wows and wohs when we show off to our friends. X is for the x box contest I am trying to win. Y is for you because your special in your own way. Z is for zippie speed should always be proud. No , I know your thinking that’s all he’s thankful for but this is only a spec of what I am thankful for! I think we should be thankful right down to the hangnail on our thumb so we won’t end up a loser with any friends.
A.J. Horton
I am thankful for my mom because if I had no mom then who would feed me, wash my clothes. Who would give me shelter? Who would take me in a car? I am thankful for my sisters and my big sister who stands up for me. Who would skate with me and skate board with me and play with me. And my baby sister who wrestles and who plays with me. And my dad. My dad is the best. He would take me hunting and target practicing and horse riding to the feedyard and feeding the horses and help calf roping. And my great grandpappy. He rides bikes with me. He rides the three wheeler and dirt bike and go-cart and the four weeley and mule and the forty-five miles per hour go-cart. I am grateful to live in Clarendon. My favorite thing in school is my forth grade teacher Mrs. Hankins. She is sweet and charming and does all kinds of cool stuff. I am thankful to live in the United States because we have freedom. And united we will stand against Afghanistan. We will always be united. Like I said united we stand! God bless America.
Hadley Jones
These are some of the things I am thankful for. I am thankful for my home so when it rains I will have some place to go and it is warm. Also shoes so I can keep my feet clean. Shirts to be protected from bad things. Paints to be protected from bad things. Mom and Dad because they help me in everything I need and protected me. My sister and brother for when I need then and to play with them. Ears, eyes, arms, legs, and able to talk. I an thankful for because I need them to get through life without getting hurt. Freedom to be on this planet and to be free from bad things. Friends also because when my brother and sister can not play. I can play with them and to talk to. Food so I can have strength to do things and not get tired. Water to so when I am thirsty I can get a drink and more on. Last but not least God and Jesus if it was not for them we would not be hear talking right now. These are the things I am thankful for.
Ryan Hill
I am going to tell you what I am thankful for.
The first thing I am going to tell is, that I am thankful for the Lord, that gave me all these things to be thankful for. He was the one that created all of the earth.
I am thankful for my parents who protect me with their life. They save me from danger, that I could really get hurt form. My parents tell me right from wrong. They help me get through some hard times.
My school it is so wonderful. I am so, so, so thankful for my school. My school is the one that has the teachers, that teach me everything I need to know in my life. They are teaching me some things that they learned back when they were my age. Some of the people that work at the school are not only teachers. Some are cooks. I am so grateful for the cooks that provide food for lunch for us.
I am grateful for the freedom that we have. I am glad that I can get up in the morning and step outside not feeling so scared. For our freedom we can go anywhere in the world without getting stopped. I am thankful for freedom so I don’t have to be a slave and carry big bags full of heavy rocks.
I am grateful for food and water that we have. Without these things we would probably die. They say if you don’t drink about four cups of water a day you may get sick. That’s why everybody should drink water. About food you can go without food about a month, I think longer. I am thankful for my church that I go to. The church helps me know about the Lord! The church tells us about the bible and tell why we have a bible. I am grateful for my house. Without my house I would be sick, from this cold weather we have at night. Another thing that I’m thankful for my community that I live in. All the people are so friendly in my community. They help keep our community clean. They are so helpful. I am thankful for the police officers, that help keep our community safe. My community pulls together to make our community a better place to live. My community is then a beautiful place to live. I am grateful for where I am in the United States of America. I live in Clarendon, Texas. Clarendon is a great place to live.
The climate is so nice, in the summer, and the winter. Summer and winter are the best seasons, then the others. What I like the best is the winter. In the winter it gets really snowy in the winter. You get to wrap up in blankets with your loving family, that really loves you. The other thing why I like the winter, is because you get to go to the courthouse and sing Christmas carols with your community.
I am so thankful for Jesus. I am thankful for Jesus because he died for us, on the cross to forgive us of our sins. I am also thankful for Jesus’s Mom and Dad who gave birth to Jesus. Jesus’s mom and dads name is Joseph and Mary who had to find shelter to have the baby. These things are who or what I am thankful for.
These are the things I will remember for the rest of my life.
Caitlyn Christopher
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