Donley County Commissioners lifted the ban on outdoor burning during their regular meeting Monday, June 12.
County Judge John Howard said he had received over nine inches of rain at his house west of Clarendon in recent weeks and recommended lifting the ban.
Commissioners can easily reinstate the ban at a future meeting if dry conditions return, he said.
In other county business, officials discussed rising health care costs for employees as the county works to prepare its 2023-2024 budget. Health insurance will be going up about $1,000 per person on the county payroll, an increase of about 6.5 percent. The county is also expecting an increase in the cost of providing AirMed coverage for county employees in the amount of $10 per month per employee.
Commissioners agreed to adopt a back-up call system for emergency situations. If the county judge is unavailable, a commissioner will be on call to handle emergency situations.
The court approved ordering a new motor grader for Precinct 1 at a cost of about $390,000. Howard said it will take about a year for the new machine to be delivered to the county.
An interlocal agreement with the Department of State Health Services was approved for the county to continue to provide access to vital records such as birth certificates.
A proposal from CTSI was also approved in the amount of $9,863.14 to purchase three new computers for the clerkâs office and one for the treasurers office along with other computer equipment.
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